Reblogging, editing, and adding content to post

  • Earlier this month I successfully reblogged a post from another user. This post contained material I had written as an introduction to their link, and also included a thumbnail image of their original post and a ‘read more’ link that took you to their website. I was able to manipulate my text around a preview of their post.

    I just tried to reblog a new post and, similarly, wanted to add my own content. However, it forces my written content to the bottom and removes line breaks, making it one, giant paragraph. It actually takes what I’ve written and makes it into a comment, I believe.

    It tried another approach and clicked on the drop down tab under my liked posts and chose the reblog option there. This time, it took me to the quick post feature, but it contained no content from the site I’m attempting to reblog, and just reblogged my text without the host post.

    What am I missing here? The first time I tried this I was able to ‘Edit’ that post and preview my content around their content. In fact, it says something like “via soandso” at the bottom of that post on my website. I can’t get that to work currently. Is there a new development in the reblogging feature?

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks

    I’ve tried to

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Reblogging is in a state of flux at the moment as we improve the way it works. I’d suggest using Press This for a little while until we bring Reblog back to the Admin Bar.

  • Thanks, nickmomrik.

  • thanks … was helpful… but its been really long that reblog option was away… even though press this work but not worthy as reblog … i guess and hope you are really trying hard to get it back ASAP

  • nickmomrik,

    How much longer? Any idea?

    Many of us really miss the reblog feature.

    I look forward to your reply.


  • I’m missing it BIGUS TIMUS!!! Bring it back pretty please. :)

  • Me too missing it a lot!!

  • Waiting for the reblog feature to be back.

    Hi nick, any news.


  • I miss this one, too- and it didn’t work as I tried it today. But then I read this other forum-posting about reblog – so it seems, yesterday it worked?????

    (I’m not good in english, so I’m sorry if there are many mistakes)

    Greetings from

  • So, friends, I’ve stumbled upon a way to reblog posts!

    First, we must Follow the blog.

    Then, under the Read Blogs tab on the WP homepage, you’ll have a long list of posts from blogs that you’re following.

    In the upper right corner of each post is a Reblog button.

    The Reblog’ed post doesn’t have the nice block-quote format anymore. Instead, it just has a “Reblogged from…” link. So, it appears a little less professional, and a bit more cagey.

    Good luck, fellow bloggers!

  • I just tried- and it does not work.
    If I press the “like” button, no menue ist to be opened…. so I cannot trie to go on with this.

  • So, now I’ve tried the complicated kind of reblogging excelentfantasyfootball wrote about- this one works, but I don’t like ist. It does not look nice and it is not easy for the reader to see what this article is like and how to “use” this. Look:
    I guess I wouldn’t use that again. What do you think about it?

  • Can I ask why is necessary to “reblog” others post…
    Let me phrase it better. I’ve a lot of blogger who I consider friends, since I comment on their posts and they on mine… and so on. I just do not understand those bloggers who, without acknowledging me (never a comment or anything else) have started to reblog my posts. They put credits and so on… but isn’t it kind of strange?

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