Really Simple SSL plugins

  • How Can I download and activate Really Simple SSL plugins?

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  • Hello there,

    Regarding the Really Simple SSL plugin, I’d like to clarify that if your website is hosted on, you don’t need to download and install plugins like Really Simple SSL separately. automatically provides SSL for all its sites. ensures that all custom domains on its platform are equipped with SSL certificates by default. This means your site visitors will access your website securely via HTTPS. You can read more about it here:

    Domains » Secure your Domain
    3 min read
    Strong encryption is critical to ensure your privacy and security while using We encrypt all domains that are registered and connected to a website with an SSL certificate. We consider strong encryption so important that we do not allow you to compromise the security of your site by disabling it. We also 301 redirect all insecure HTTP requests to the secure HTTPS ve

    Additionally, it’s essential to note that plugin installations are available for Business Plan or higher plan users. If you are on the Business Plan or higher, you can install and use specific third-party plugins.

    If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. We’re here to help!

  • Thanks @saadahsan for the great response! The only thing I want to add is that if you are having any issues with the SSL certificate for your domain, you may want to check and make sure is connected successfully under Upgrades > Domains > [your domain]. You can also reach out to us and we can take a look to see what might be going on.

    Hope this helps!

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