Reader Topics Being Spammed?

  • My blog works fine, as does Freshly Pressed, and my links to other sites on my Blogroll. However, when I go to the Reader and select “explore topics”, no matter what topic I click on in the cloud, or enter into the search box, I get a whole bunch of SPAM posts displayed as I scroll; Product offers, Posts about Payday Loans, Insurance etc. unrelated to what I’m looking to read. Sometimes they are mixed in with ones I am looking for, sometimes all there is, is the spam.

    Are you guys experiencing some sort of sales-bot attacks, or is it a vulnerability issue I’m somehow causing?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It seems to be fixed now. Thanks, guys! (Topic CLOSED)

  • You can report spam blogs you see – just mouse over the blog name on the left side of the top gray nav bar and click on “Report This Content” when the drop down happens – choose spam from the pop up and fill in the blank & submit –

  • Thank you. Always happy to learn a useful tip. However, when I went back to the blog, the situation had already been fixed.

  • It’s not fixed in my reader. I just checked in “writing” under explore topics and there are dozens of spam posts still appearing. This seems more like an issue that WordPress should be addressing—not individual bloggers.

  • There are anti-spam measures in place, but if you encounter spam in the Reader, you can report spam right from there. There’s a drop down menu next to the site name.

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