Reader #Tags not sorting

  • I’m not sure when sorting was added to #tags in reader but it is not working. I prefer to sort by date and regardless of if you select date or popularity it does not change. I’m not even sure what it’s sorting by but it isn’t date.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That’s interesting. I’ve never seen an option to sort by date in the Reader.

    By default, the reader sorts by Date and Tag. If you select any Topic Tag in Discover it will display the most recent posts that include the corresponding tag.

  • Yeah, I first noticed it a few weeks ago at the top of the list when I wasn’t seeing any new posts. It was defaulting to Popular. You could change it though. Then it changed to sorting by recent for default. A few days ago it changed again and changing it doesn’t make a difference.

  • I’m sorry, I made a mistake, I do see the Recent/Popular function. I wasn’t looking in the right place.

    I am also noticing that the filter button is broken and it always shows the popular items. Hopefully, a staff member will be able to look into this.

  • Hi! Thanks for posting about this. We’re aware that it’s currently a problem and we’re looking into it, but I don’t know when we’d have a fix in place unfortunately.

  • @parkdanil, @mhutchins61 – this is fixed! Recent is once again showing the most recent posts. Let us know if you need more help!

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