Reader problem

  • The French forum sent me here,

    I have change my web adress today so i have published an article to prevent my followers. But i saw that nobody can see my post in the reader. I have made some research and i think that we attributed to my blog the mature content by mistake. My blog is a beauty blog about make up etc…

    Can you help me to re-appear in the reader ?

    Thanks, Noémie.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can you answer me ?!

  • Hi there. If your blog was marked as mature the link to it wouldn’t appear in your forum profile, but the link is there, so I don’t think you blog was marked as mature. In any case, that wouldn’t prevent your followers from seeing your posts.

    However, there does appear to be something wrong. I followed your blog as a test and it shows in the list of blogs I follow, but it doesn’t show up in my Reader feed.

    Someone else has marked this thread for staff, so just be patient while waiting for them to look into it for you. Keep in mind that it’s weekend, so it could take a while. Posting to this thread again or creating new threads won’t get you help any faster.

  • The link in my forum profile is the old link.

    So what i am supposed to do ? Just wait ? How can i be sure that someone gonna help me ?

  • I am loosing lot of views and my followers couln’t bee prevent of the web adress change.
    I am realy worry, i don’t understand where the problem come from.

    Does an email exist to contact the platform ?

  • The link in my forum profile is the old link.

    The link you provided in your original post is . The link in your forum profile is . It’s exactly the same. That is also the link I test-followed. If that is not the URL of the site you’re talking about, please give the correct one as even staff can’t help you if they don’t know which blog you need help with.

    So what i am supposed to do ? Just wait ?

    Yes. Read what I wrote above. This thread has been tagged for staff. Staff answer all threads tagged for them, but it doesn’t happen immediately. It is weekend, so many staff members aren’t working. Additionally there are other tagged threads that were tagged before yours, and are thus in the queue ahead of you. Each new post you make moves this thread to the back of the queue, meaning it will take even longer for staff to get to it.

  • Because i changed my link in my profile 30 minutes ago.

    (i am french so i try to understand as much that i could).
    So if i have weel understood, a wordpress employee tagged my thread and this person knows a lot about WordPress and he is gonna bee help me but not on weekend.
    Staff is a “Professional of the computing” ?

  • (the link in my profile is know the new link, the link i talked about is the same. is the good link)

  • Staff refers to the people who work for I am a volunteer. I don’t work for them. Another volunteer marked this thread for staff, so they will answer it as soon as they get to it.

  • Okay thank you for your answers, i’m waiting for staff

  • I am resubmitting this problem to you because I have not received a response since mid-April. Please read below and respond because I need this problem resolved. Thank you, Susan.
    I spoke with someone earlier today about this problem and was referred to since my sites are self-hosted. The problem said is with the Reader which is managed by

    My blog: comes up on the Reader as Susan’s Blog: The Inner Soul (another self-hosted site of mine). It lists as an RSS feed but it shows blogs from all three of my self-hosted sites. (,, and They checked the RSS feed for each of my sites and so did I and they all come up correctly per website with their own blogs. It is only The Reader that gives it incorrectly and my biggest concern is that I have a lot of WordPress bloggers using The Reader that read my three blogs and they aren’t getting the right information. Please help me since this is an issue with The Reader. said the problem is with The Reader, not my websites.

  • You’ve don’t received a responce since mid-april ?!

  • No response from volunteers or staff. The reader problem prevents people from seeing my website on the reader because it comes up wrong.

  • But your thread wasn’t tagged by a staff ?

  • @susancfl
    Hijacking existing threads is extremely poor forum etiquette, especially if a thread has already been tagged for staff as you are now the cause that @noemirssl has to wait even longer for staff to get to her thread.

    Sorry that your previous threads on this have fallen through the cracks. I have tagged your original thread for staff, here:

    Please wait for their response in that thread and do not post here again as that will only cause further delays in staff answering this thread.

  • Okkaayyy …. So sorry @susancfl your thread has been tagged, wait for the responce of your thread and stop speak here please.

    I am waiting for a staff

  • I am sorry. I was just trying to get some help.

  • @noemierssl,

    I’ve made some adjustments on our end and your site is now showing up in the reader.

    Please take a look and let us know if you now see your posts in the reader.

    If not let us know.

    @susancfl I have responded to your original thread.

  • Yes the problem is resolved since some hours. I have send an email to the support an he resolved my problem :)

  • Hi noemierssl,

    Glad it’s working now.

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