Reader not working and where is…

  • Hi there, My reader isn’t downloading my subs at all, and I would like to read follow-up remarks to comments I’ve made, can that option please be put back on to my menu?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • My reader isn’t working, either. The only tab that works on the main page is stats. Everything else shows an error in the bottom left hand corner.

  • My reader isn’t loading either and I can’t access the subscription list. Any help?

  • Hey my reader has just stopped working???

    It was working about 15 minutes ago and now NADA

    there is a O in the upper left hand corner

  • Have you tried accessing it from the “W” wordpress symbol at the top left of your admin bar (dark grey across the top of your browser window)?

  • Apparently this is an ASME issue

    There is no access from the W either

  • In my admin bar at the top of the browser window, when I am logged in, there is a wordpress “W” symbol at the left end of the admin bar. If I hover over that “W” a menu drops down with

    New post
    Freshly Pressed
    My Blogs
    My Stats

    If I click on “Reader” there, I have no problem accessing my reader and the sites I follow.

  • If you haven’t tried this, log out, clear your browser cache and cookies, restart your browser and then try again. Many times dashboard related issues are cleared up with this procedure.

  • I have been having the same issue, tried both suggestions and still no luck.

  • Just stopped by to say the main (FP) page came back up for me yesterday, and my Reader and Blogs I Follow functions ARE working today after more than a week of not. Whatever the WordPress gods did – thank you!!

  • I’d love it if the WP gods would respond to any of these complaint posts and help us out a little!!!!

    None of the above suggestions have helped for me – guess you’ve just gotta cross your fingers and HOPE for help!

  • @ thesacredpath

    Well, my W is working and now I find that as of the last 15 minutes or so an assortment of WP blogs I have followed at some point or another but had deleted from the “Blogs I follow” list had been added to my Reader. I tried deleting them and could not.

    This is past annoying.

  • Same problem here!! READER is not working!! Very annoying. It’s an essential tool for blogging!!! What can i do? Or do i really have to depend on the goodwill of the WP gods and wait till the evil passes?

  • Update from creativetherapydesignstudio:
    I just re-installed all new software on my older Mac desktop, and using Safari, all is right with the world again.
    My MacBook Pro, however, is still not showing me info on my reader. Will attempt to update all software on laptop and see if it resolves on here too…. but, sadly, that’s what I prefer to work from!!!

    Don’t know if this is helpful for anyone else – good luck! Hope to get mine on my laptop again soon……

  • under the grey W, under ‘reader’ under ‘explore topics’ is not working. Nor is the entire reader page for some reason.

  • Halleluyah!!! My READER is working again!!! After a couple of weeks of nothing!
    I didn’t do anything, didn’t reinstall anything…i am not a computerexpert… So all I could do was wait patiently and unpatiently. And it payed off. Reader is working again!

  • My reader stopped working a couple of days ago on my laptop, but it appears to be working from my phone. It’s much easier to manage from my laptop. Hopefully it will magically start working again soon or I guess I will switch to a different reader.

  • My reader is not working and there is only a “0” in the corner.

  • For any of you using an iPad, like me, try this, which worked for me. Close your browser. Open your settings icon, and click on safari. In the Safari settings click ” delete cookies and data” and “clear history”. Then try again. This works every time for me. I have to repeat every few days, but it always works.

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