"Read more" link doesn't get inserted automatically (in the Gateway theme)

  • Hi,

    I’m talking about the link “…More” that appears to lead readers to a blog page to continue reading the rest of contents when the contents are long enough at the top screen in the Gateway theme.

    Though “…More” does get inserted automatically for my English-content blog, it does not for my Japanese-content blog.

    Is this a known issue? My plan is premium, so if someone knows how to fix it, please let me know. I don’t understand php but understand css.

    Any tip would be much appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi nalikolehua,

    I have looked into this and I believe the issue is that we count X number of characters before showing the “more” link and in Japanese the characters are not being counted correctly. I have let our theme team know and will respond one I know more.

    For now, the work around is to use the excerpt field and manually add the content you want to be shown before the “more” link. If you manually add an excerpt the more link will appear.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Hi bdukes,

    Thank you for taking this up! The workaround has worked perfectly. I wasn’t aware of a feature of an excerpt, either.

    That said, it would be great if the theme team could solve it within the theme template.

  • Hi Nalikolehua,

    Glad the excerpt link is working for you. Once I hear back from the theme folks I’ll let you know :)

  • Hi there,

    I have heard back from the theme team. They have asked that you translate the “Read More” text into Japanese in our translation program GlotPress


  • Wow! This is great. I’ve put the Japanese translation of Read More in the link.

    Thanks for your efforts :)

  • Hi there,

    The translations should be approved. Could you let us know if you’re still having trouble?

    One suggestion is changing もっと読む (I read more) to 続きを読む (continue reading) which is the preferred translation. Let us know if you’re okay with that edit :)

  • Hi!

    Regarding the trouble, as long as I use the excerpt field, that’s OK. I thought once the template had been modified, the more link would have got inserted automatically. It’ll happen, won’t it?

    About the translation, I’m fine with 続きを読む. I actually was thinking which was better then had chosen a casual phrase. But, continue reading is also absolutely fine. :)

  • Regarding the trouble, as long as I use the excerpt field, that’s OK. I thought once the template had been modified, the more link would have got inserted automatically. It’ll happen, won’t it?

    The new translations get pushed out each morning automatically so we may need to wait for that to happen. I think one thing that we may need to explore is that as your site’s language is set to English it may be confusing the read more translations.

    I would say for now let’s wait until this time tomorrow or so and see what happens :)

  • As far as I understand the issue, it is happening not because the translation of read more was missing. The issue is that since the editor doesn’t recognize the word count of Japanese text, the more link doesn’t get inserted.

    My friend wordpress blog (I forgot the name of theme though) actually shows “continue reading” in English even for Japanese contents.

    And as of now, it has not yet been fixed.

  • Sorry to hear you’re still having trouble :-/

    Would it be possible for you to leave a post in Japanese without an except set so we can take a look?


  • I had done that and then responded it to you! So, the issue has not yet been solved.

  • Hi Nalikolehua,

    I have just heard back from the theme team. It appears this particular glitch is currently happening in the core WordPress project and is not specific to just your theme.

    The core WordPress project is the open source project found at WordPress.org that maintains the WordPress software we use here on WordPress.com.

    Since this is a glitch that is effecting all WordPress sites both here on WordPress.com and self-hosted sites it will need to be reported to the WordPress.org team. I’ll look into it a bit more and open a ticket. If you’d like to open the ticket yourself you may report it to the WordPress.org team at: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/

    The workaround of setting the excerpt manually will still work.

    I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.

  • I actually had posted the same thing somewhere support forum of WordPress.org then was told that I should’ve posted it here (as mine is not a self-hosted site).

    And I’m not sure I can explain everything well about the issue to them, I would rather ask you to do so. Hope you’ll have time for that.

    Yes, I’ll use the excerpt manually. Thanks.

  • We’re always happy to answer your questions and this is the appropriate place to ask them regarding your WordPress.com site. :)

  • Hi nalikolehua – we’ve done some further testing on this and I wanted to let you know that if you were to change your site’s language setting to Japanese, then the Japanese excerpts in Gateway should work as expected.

    Japanese and English excerpts are treated differently by WordPress due to the different character sets, and the treatment follows the site’s overall language setting.

    Since your site is bilingual, though, that may not be what you want; for example, dates would be in Japanese and “Read More” after the excerpt would be in Japanese as well.

    Given all this, your workaround of using manual excerpts is probably the best compromise.

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