Read More does not show up in RSS “Read the rest of this entry »”

  • Hi folks,

    If I use the “Read more” option in the text editor to break up a long post, the additional content does not show up in RSS subscription feeds.

    There isn’t any indication in the RSS feed that there is any additional content as well.

    I’ve checked my syndication feed options and “Full text” is set to “Yes”.

    I also checked the result in multiple feed readers (Bloglines and Feedblitz) and it doesn’t look like the problem is on the client end.


  • I had the same problem when I experienced my blog “catastrophe” the rss feeds only brought me back the text up to the “more”. The feed readers stop loading at that point.

  • Hey. the (normal) MORE tags are showing up in RSS feeds now.

  • hi there,

    i wann to use .rdf file for update information. this .rdf file i download from other site
    know i wann to put it into my home page ? what tag shall i use or what steps will i follow to get into .

    pls suggest us


  • sanjeev73, please explain what you’re trying to do.

    Also it’s rude to hyjack other folk’s threads. You wouldn’t walk up to someone and start talking over them while they’re talking. Please don’t do it again.

  • hi there,
    i wann to add some tricker right there in my page . tricker news provided by agency they simple send me let’s say xyz.rdf file . since i am new for RSS .not find way to use it . if you can guid me .it will nice to me
    Note : i am using tiga tamplet .

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