Reaction to New Dashboard 98% Negative

  • Can we expect WordPress to heed the reaction of the community and return the old dashboard to us?

  • I don’t like at all the new dashboard.
    How can I upload text documents now?
    Can anybody help me, please?

  • I think it won’t be bad (as it may seem now), but it seems there have been some functional issues at least with linux users so far and that’s what bothers me more… but I believe they are able to work it out

  • Yeah, bring back my old dashboard……………… huhuhu !
    *praying , crying and tearing*

  • Um. I kind of like it.
    I’m getting used to it. Once they fix some of the bugs, I think it will be ok.

    *runs and hides*

  • I agree I am not a totally happy chappy. I am having trouble posting YouTube videos, and the spell checker don’t work… I do like the way it looks though, but I miss the old dashboard

  • Over the past year, I talked dozens of my friends to switch from Blogger to WordPress.

    I started out on Blogger and grew to hate it. When I moved my blog to WordPress, it was a revelation — a breath of fresh air. But now I’m having my doubts.

    It’s one thing to create enhancements and improvements. However, it’s another thing entirely to radically change the dashboard and in the process make it less — not more, user friendly.

    This is a very poor design and what I’m seeing is lots of frustration and anger.

    Bring the old dashboard back, WordPress. Scrap this experiment. It’s a failure.

  • Must have spellcheck, and when I tried to upload photos, everything just froze!!! Grrrr…

  • I think some of the frustration might have been avoided if we’d had any warning at all about the change. I do think that most of the problems will settle down pretty quickly and maybe we’ll start to see some of the benefits too.

  • The greatest “benefits” rosclarke, will take place when the old dashboard is returned.

  • Decided to do some spring cleaning on my blog this a.m. which involved re-categorizing my posts and for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to do it with this new dashboard.

  • i really like the new look of it. have to still play around with its functionality but any problems there should just be matter of time, no? very nice design (and colours)!

  • I’ve decided not to post for a couple of days while they get it all sorted!! Some warning would have helped those who got caught up in the first few hours. We could all have stopped using it while they did it.

  • Sorry to dissapoint but Mark said in some post that wordpress is not going back to the way it was… The bugs will be ironed out and everyone will be happy and holding hands in a field full of roses and violets…. Ok u get the idea…

    So I suggest you keep complaining until they fix the bugs and when the bugs are fixed and if people still dont like it, well then, well c what happen…


  • I don’t dislike the new dashboard, I’m having _problems_ with it. Buttons to add links and pictures to posts open an empty window. I’m forced to use html. Anyone else that has this problem?

  • I dislike the new dashboard :(

  • i want the old one back as well. or at least get back my image options that i liked. which included:
    *being able to choose to create a link with your image

    i have to say it is definitely not as user friendly and since most people choose the free version because they are looking for a blog requiring less coding hassle and ease of customization this is a step back.

  • I can live with the new Dashboard, I just wish it worked. A larger font on the Comments page would be fabulous — my vision sucks.

  • ugh. is it possible to upload an image without it being auto-crunched to some arbitrary dimensions? (sound of hair being pulled out)

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