
  • Been nearly a week since I added 2 year premium subscription with the intent on ramping up SEO. Result: Adding SEO plugin failed / site address has magically been sabotaged / No reply much less action from WP to fix site address button. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Been a week and still no reply from WP. This is the 2nd “malfunction” from WP this year. Took a month for them to repair last time. But I am not paying 2 years subscription to waste a month for site address button repairs.

  • The goal to go premium for 2 years was to ramp up SEO on steroids. No idea which is better than the other. But the one I attempted (SEO Press) failed.

  • It appears my site is still being held hostage from working.

    This is the 2nd ‘malfunction’ this year Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

  • Operational Restoration of my site does not seem to have occurred despite the assurances yesterday from WP

  • WP told me my blogfeed would be restored today. Well I am not seeing it.

    My orange/green blogfeed continues to go to
    which I never asked for.

    I also see no share button or searchbar. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

  • To do the simple task of restoring

    Wondering they will take a month to reply like the other ‘malfunction’ earlier this year Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

  • So I just read the email that (sounds like) it says ‘we removed content & features from your site and unless you pay for biz plan that was already a failure… you can kiss your site away’. If that is not what it says, let me know. I don’t dare add or delete anything since that is what resulted in my site address magically changed to Even though I asked for no such thing. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

  • Hi there,

    I’ve merged your various posts into this single conversation to help keep things in one place. When you flood the zone like this it makes it more difficult for us to help, so in the future if you can keep everything in one place we’d appreciate it. Thanks!

    WP told me my blogfeed would be restored today. Well I am not seeing it.

    My orange/green blogfeed continues to go to
    which I never asked for.

    Based on your past conversations I see that we assisted with canceling and removing the Business Plan from your account. I also see that you may not have been aware that losing the “” domain would be an unintended consequence of that move.

    I can confirm that plan is cancelled and the purchase was refunded. You can see that here as well:

    I can also confirm that your site is once again using the default address and no longer has the Business Plan upgrade. You can see that reflected in a few places in your admin area here:

    Your site itself is private at the moment so it cannot be seen by the public by visiting it directly, but even so the address of the site is shown correctly from what I can see:

    Can you tell us more about how it is that you are still seeing That site ceased to exist once the Business Plan was removed, so you should no longer be redirected to it. I see you are using Firefox as your browser. If you open a private browser session (which skips your cache and cookies) do you still get redirected to the address?

    Thanks for the additional info.

  • Thanks for the reply. In short, this issue has been a disaster. Forget how but I still see the word WPcomstaging appear somewhere. I did get a WP email that said my site is both private & had both content & features like share buttons & search bar removed. So add that up now and the site is rendered useless. This is the 2nd “malfunction” in 2023.

    13 years of research down the drain. I can’t even sleep thinking about it.

    I did get another email from WP offering to give me 50% discount for 1 year premium subscription. But after this debacle, what for? Even if I did, I would not dare press any SEO or any other button for fear of another disaster. If so, I would prefer to delegate any installation to my head programmer whom I’ve known for 10+ years.

    The content for has been a diamond in the rough for 13 years. It has content of interest for everyone. The public deserves to see it on steroids.

  • Thanks for clarifying. It appears the site was somehow set to private by mistake, during the period that the Business Plan was removed and the site restored to the address. I’ve set it to be public again, so anyone can visit without issue.

    I did get a WP email that said my site is both private & had both content & features like share buttons & search bar removed.

    Due to the number of support requests we got over that period of time I have not been able to locate that message, but sharing/like buttons are removed on private sites since there is no public access to click the like buttons. Now that the site is public those have been restored automatically. Here is what I see if I visit any of your posts now and scroll to the bottom of the article:

    Please note that you may not see these changes immediately, as your browser is likely caching your views locally (to speed up browser performance) and this can lead to odd behaviour like getting redirected to the address, or seeing the private site message on

    You can resolve that by clearing your cache and cookies. As a quick test you can also check in a Private session in Firefox (which skips your cache) to see the true view of your site as others see it.

    I did get another email from WP offering to give me 50% discount for 1 year premium subscription. But after this debacle, what for? Even if I did, I would not dare press any SEO or any other button for fear of another disaster.

    SEO is great on free sites, so you don’t technically need to upgrade. We have many free site owners that enjoy excellent ranking on Google due to the strength and popularity of the content they publish. We have a free self-guided course here that you can follow and will show you how to maximize the SEO performance of your site without upgrading:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Hi again,

    I forgot to add that in looking over your site I noticed that your blog posts are rather short (the few that I saw anyway) consisting mostly of a few links and a sentence or two. I wanted to mention that this may actually be hurting your SEO. This advice is found in our free SEO course mentioned above:

    Aim for your page or post to be at least 300 words. Some posts can certainly be shorter, and some may be much longer, but it’s more difficult for search engines to get a good understanding of your content if it’s short.

    If I can offer a recommendation, you may wish to consider expanding on your blog posts more than you do currently, as it will be a bigger help to your SEO than any upgrade or “SEO plugin” you can add.

    As I mentioned, lots of free sites here enjoy excellent search ranking with Google, and that is often because those folks are getting the fundamentals right. Correct post length, having a keyword focus when writing, optimizing how you write your content, etc. If you are writing and crafting content with best practices in mind, adding an SEO plugin (on top of that) can only help. But you don’t really need a plugin until you have the best practices down… and if you do you may not ever need a plugin.

    This is a great place to start if you want to catch up on best practices for SEO, but I also encourage you to check out the other lessons in our SEO course, which are equally helpful.

    Hope this helps!

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