re-Registring Domains

  • I know that the “” that a removed can not be re-Registered again by any one at any time, I had a domain registered for a self-hosted account and I deleted it and I heard that the domains can be registered after 90 days, Will allow me to register the domain, Note that I attached this domain to JetPack before.

    I also want you to delete the domain from the account until the time I will re-Register the domain because the support always reply for removal requests in one or two hours but, They did not delete it for me for 18 hours, Depending on the removal requests I saw.

    Thanks …

  • I also want to know how long will it take until the Domain is ready to use?

  • yes you can register a domain name that has expired and reverted back to the wild. Does not matter if you or someone else registered the name originally.

    One down side is that sometimes squatters will grab expired domain names and hold them hostage for lots of money or someone else might get in line ahead of you.

  • Any one here, Please reply soon because If there I can not register it, I will have to search for another name and domain and If Ok, I have to delete the old URLs from the Google index.

  • Sorry, I did not see auxclass post, What about removing the JetPack account, Most of other requests are answered by Support in few hours?

  • Keep the account, accounts can’t be deleted anyway. You can have the JetPack disconnected from the account, then if you have jetPack installed and configured on a WordPress.ORG install you can request the WordPress.ORG blog be connected again.

    If you map the domain name to a blog here at WordPress.COM, JetPack is built in so there is nothing to do for the JetPack features

    I have flagged this if you want the staff to disconnect a JetPack domain from your account

  • Yes, Please I want it to be removed, URL is – I removed WP Self-Hosted from the server and cancelled the domain, So please I want it removed :)

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