Rank Beginner Questions on Finding Blogroll Links

  • I have inherited my club’s website and need to learn the very basics. At the moment I cannot locate where the links are that show up in the Blogroll in the sidebar so I can edit them. The site uses the Blix theme which has not been supported in more than ten years but if it works I want to keep using it. Have read help articles but cannot find the Blogroll links. Any help greatly, greatly appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Actually it’s a bit involved. :)

    Background: New WordPress.com sites do not have access to the Links section in the dashboard as the Blogroll is created differently since the last year or so.

    In your case, because you have existing links in a Legacy Blogroll, you should see a Links section in the left sidebar of your site’s dashboard.

    If you don’t see that section, try this link https://utahwesterners.org/wp-admin/link-manager.php

    Let us know if you need more help with this.

  • I just want to add that the Links/Blogroll widget is a Legacy feature. If you want to delete, edit or add sites to the Legacy Blogroll widget, do that in the dashboard I mentioned above.

    Do not change or edit the Legacy Blogroll widget itself in Widgets. That will end in tears because if you remove it, it doesn’t look like it can be recovered.

  • Friend, I can’t get the smile off my face. While I cannot find a Links topic in my dashboard, your URL that goes directly to my links worked like a charm. I was able to fix a dead link and correct the title on one of them. Many thanks.

    I know I will need to migrate to a supported theme but that’s over my head for now. If I can just get the site limping along with current info everyone will be happy. Thank you again.

  • You’re most welcome!

  • Horrors! I just tried using the link above for accessing my links and I get this message: “Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site.”

  • Hm, when you wrote you’d inherited the club website, I perhaps mistakenly assumed you had Administrator privileges.

    Please go to your global dashboard and look in the Role column. If it says anything other than Administrator, then you’ll need to contact the person who started the site, or another Administrator of the site, so that they can change your user role to Administrator.

    If you are an Administrator on the site, then try these browser troubleshooting suggestions.

    Let us know how that goes.

  • Hi and thank you again. Yes, I am an Admin, I should have mentioned that. To make sure, I logged out, logged back in, went to my site, clicked Users>All Users, where I am listed as one of two Admins. To test that I can continue to edit the site I selected my most recent post and added a link, updated and checked it. It worked.

    I nearly exclusively use Firefox although I sometimes use Chrome, Opera or Edge for specific purposes. I cleared the WordPress.com and WordPress.org cookies in my Firefox browser but I still get the error message. I closed Firefox, opened Chrome, made sure no WordPress tabs were open, cleared the WordPress cookies there, logged in and tried the link to the links again. Same error, “Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site,” in Chrome as in Firefox.

    Thank you for sticking with me.

  • Since you said you’re an Admin and that you’ve tried also in other browsers, this is as far as I can take it as a forum volunteer. I’ve flagged your thread for Staff help. It may take a bit for them to get back to you, so thanks for your patience in the meanwhile.

    Just to clarify, are you still not seeing the Links section in your site’s dashboard after accessing it the first time? After you reply, let’s then wait for Staff.

  • Thank you again. I don’t see a Links section in my site’s dashboard after using the direct link to access them. Here is my dashboard: (I don’t know if I can post an image here.)


  • @sberlin5f6bd44a82 Hello again, did you remove the Legacy Blogroll Widget from your site’s sidebar since creating this forum topic? I no longer see it on your site.

  • It seems the tag for forum staff was removed sometime between the 16th and the 22nd. I’m not entirely sure why.

    Regardless, I am also now finding that I can no longer access the Links section of the dashboard on many of my existing, long-standing sites.

    What is distressing about this is that without at least access to the Links dashboard, we can’t easily back up or copy the previous “blogroll” sites. You might be able to retrieve them at this URL http://utahwesterners.org/wp-links-opml.php by saving the file generated as an XML file. Be aware that this does not work in Firefox.

    Finally, there is a new Blogroll block available, but it behaves very differently and is not necessarily what I want to do with a Blogroll. The support guide says “At the moment, this block will only display WordPress.com sites to which you’re subscribed. We plan to add support for custom URLs as this feature develops.”

    Sorry for no better news.

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