Random Image Generator

  • Hi there!

    I’d love to have a button that every time it is clicked a new random image is pulled from a media gallery. I see this feature is semi available on blog posts to have different featured images via plugin, but I have not found any code or embed to create a custom button for this feature.

    If you have information on how to accomplish this I’d love to know!



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Brandon,

    there is no functionality in WordPress.com that would allow you to do that so you’ll probably need to find a plugin.

    Since these forums are for free WordPress.com users who can’t use plugins, you won’t likely get many recommendations here, you can try the community forums at https://wordpress.org/support/forums/.

    Also, remember that plugins are available on plans Business and above so, if you’d like to add one, you’ll want to upgrade your plan.

  • Thanks for the help!

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