Random formatting!?

  • My posts have suddenly decided to go italicised and in a larger font than usual. In fact, the only post that is how i want it is the most recent, and all the others are different. Is there any override i can do to make them all formatted like the usual Emire theme? Plus, all my widgets are at the bottom of the page!!

  • Thanks for being patient during these times when things seem to be “wonky”. Please send in a feedback but be patient waiting for the response. In the meantime, if you wish, you could download a free copy of BlogDesk and do all your post composition and formatting in it. BlogDesk will upload your post to wordpress for publication in your blog. And you will spare yourself the frustration and upset of having things go wrong. Or you could use Windows Live Writer if your prefer.

  • Hi Timethief,
    thanks very much for that – it will definitely help and i’ll start using BlogDesk from now on! Cheers,
    The Conservative

  • Greets:

    It’s this post here. You have a section that is in italics but then you put the ‘more’ tag inbetween the tags so it’s left open on the home page.

    Sort of like chopping a novewl in half and attaching the Russian version of the novel. :)

    You’ll note that if you click though into this post, it’s not in italics.

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi Drmike –
    Thanks for the help – and timethief, i’ve downloaded BlogDesk and am ecstatic with it!
    It works perfectly and has everything i wanted – just not a “read more here” article breaks – but i can edit them in from the default wordpress editor.
    Thanks guys you’ve been a great help!!!
    Theconservative :)

  • Sheesh, a happy camper [trilled the blushing spam dragon] and ***kisses filled the air***. :D

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