Raincoaster’s issue with YouTube

  • Raincoaster is having an issue with YouTube. Transfered over from a thread covering a different subject.

    Well I have been in the top 100 off and on, and I’m having a problem with YouTube videos. They were fine, easy to post, etc, until some time last night, when they all went blank white. When YouTube took down the Colbert video, it left a still screenshot but it was unclickable. So I’m trying to figure out what’s going on now and it doesn’t appear to be that.

  • Thanks! I put it in that thread in case it was a related issue. Whatever it was, it appears to be resolved now, so thank you.

  • Probably something on YouTube’s end. I noticed some mucked up videos yesterday as well kicking around looking at blogs.

  • Fair enough, but now, when I want to edit an entry with YouTube content, I only get the how-to-say, non-rich text editor. I could put in the HTML to edit the post, if I only knew HTML, but I don’t. I guess the Youtube thing isn’t loading and that’s preventing the WordPress stuff from loading, but is there a way to make it so that in the Edit mode the YouTube stuff actually loads last? I mean, in that view it’s really just text anyway.

  • Not sure what’s happening here but I just got the video on this post to load fine. I don’t have audio on this PC so I can’t tell you for sure if it works or not.

  • It must be related to bandwidth or something at YouTube, because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. I can sign out, restart, and sign back in and it’ll be the same thing; alternately, I can click away and go back after awhile and things will be just fine. Guess I’ll just not edit those posts when this is happening. Thanks for checking on it for me.

  • I had this come up last night with one of my hosted clients. They came up with a work around of clicking the play button a coupel of times. Sounds like YouTube may have a bug in their new viewer.

  • Well, now they’ve got this up:


    UPDATE: No, we haven’t been hacked. Get a sense of humor.

    UPDATE 2: Apparently we can’t spel.

    UPDATE 3: Please stop calling the office, we’re trying to work in here

    And none of the videos are playing. Super. I blame it on Google.

  • All better now. No word on what went wrong.

  • check this Blogentry from You Tube:


    seems they have more sense for humor than their users have… ;)

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