Rainbow admin bar for Australian users

  • Australia will be holding a national survey on marriage equality over the next two months. To show our support for marriage equality, we’re showing rainbow styling on our admin bar.

    The admin bar is not part of your site. It’s a part of WordPress.com’s admin interface. Only logged-in users from Australia will see it, and if they see it, it will be visible for them across all of WordPress.com including the Reader and their own WP.com dashboard.

    You can read more about the marriage equality campaign here:


    We cannot remove this banner for individual sites. We understand it looks a bit different to what you’re used to, but it’s here for everyone. We absolutely respect your right to publish the content you choose to your site, but the navigation bar styling reflects WordPress.com’s stance as a company.

    The rainbow bar will remain until after the survey results are released, on November 15.

    If this causes you to choose to leave WordPress.com, we’re sorry to see you go. You can find documentation on how to move your site here: https://move.wordpress.com/

    We can also assist your move with our Guided Transfer service: https://en.support.wordpress.com/guided-transfer/

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