Quoted text in a highlighted area?

  • It really does. I added it to a few of my posts on my home page – different color and didn’t use the blockquote. I may change to blockquote though – just trying a few things here. Thanks again. :)

  • masterclasslady: I looked at your site. Very nice. One advantage to using blockquote is that the “footer” is essentially centered. I notice that you’ve added a bunch of spaces to get the same effect as centering, and you also get a full-width colored bar. It looks good.

  • @sensuouscurmudgeon: No need for explanations re “someone”; it was 1tess who said it was me – I wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise (in fact, when I saw that code I didn’t even remember it was from a post of mine; and there’s nothing special about it). I think the whole idea of the forum is mutual help and building a collective pool of possibly useful tips and answers, not making ‘copyright’ claims over suggested solutions.

    Re. div vs span, let me also note what their difference is: div is used for text that may include paragraph breaks inside it and will also become separated from what precedes it by a paragraph break; span doesn’t create such a break, so it’s used for words or phrases WITHIN a paragraph.

    @masterclasslady: And if you want this notice centered, add the relevant command instead of spaces:
    <div style="background-color:pink;text-align: center;">Copyright © 2008. MasterclassLady.Com. All rights reserved.</div>

  • panaghiotisadam,

    Sorry to cause a problem by mentioning your name. Obviously “the forum is mutual help and building a collective pool of possibly useful tips and answers, not making ‘copyright’ claims over suggested solutions.” Your suggestions are often clever and specific, but with enough detail that a reader can make innovations with them.

    There are quite a few skillful volunteers here with helpful advice. It’s been helpful to click on “member” under their names to read the answers they’ve given to a variety of questions. I’ve learned that there are things that can be done that I never thought of, so it’s not necessarily unimportant to remember who has written good advice.

  • @1tess: I don’t see any “problem”. Your intervention made me laugh as I realized the coincidence that sc’s second suggestion happened to me mine, too, and I think we’re all in good humor here.

    “It’s been helpful to click on “member” under their names to read the answers they’ve given”. You’ve been doing THAT? You’re even worse than me!

    Little gift – can’t help it:
    (Sort of got the M & the C lover part – couldn’t possibly find anything with Shakespeare as well!)

  • pan,
    It’s a good procrastination exercise: I am as vigilant as a cat to steal cream.
    You know, my very favorite cat looked like that, but she never posed on my iMac.

  • panaghiotisadam: I hope nobody thinks I have a problem here. I’m delighted to learn who the “somebody” was.

  • sensuouscurmudgeon,
    nice to meet ya!
    I think we’re all friends.

  • @panaghiotisadam and sensuouscurmudgeon -thanks for your help and your positive feedback.

    My blockquote was “set-up” differently in the CSS and so it wasn’t working. So I appreciate the centering code, panaghiotisadam

    I was going to work on this today, but my real job kept me busy. haha

    This is a great thread. Keep the codes coming in!

    Thanks again! :)

  • @1t & sc: We are!

    @mcl: We will!

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