Quickest way to get a domain unlocked?

  • Searched and got answers to everything except this question: whats the fastest (and simple) way to get a domain that was purchased through wordpress.com unlocked so we can switch? also is mapping required at time of domain purchase??

    all of this is tricky, guess thats why they have professionals who can do it properly, but i’m confused about what, when and where

    thanks for the help in advance

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • “Unlocked?” I’m not familiar with this terminology. Can you explain in different words what you’re looking for?

  • I sure can Raincoaster

    Yesterday we contacted Lunarpages, my friend had a hosting account right after getting the domain name here on wp.com, the CS person we spoke with over at LP stated they could’nt switch or move the domain name because it was locked (whatever that means) apparently when you get a domain name threw wp its registered via wildwestdomains. Now we are trying to figure out how to get it “unlocked” i wonder does that have anything to do with setting it here as the primary domain or not??

  • No, it doesn’t.

    When you register a domain name, you can’t move it for sixty days. So if it was applied to a blog here, it’s got to stay with that blog for that long before it can be moved. That’s not a WP policy; it’s ICANN, and nobody gets around that:


  • You won’t be able to unlock the domain for transfer until after a 60-day period from the date of purchase has elapsed.

    If you are trying to move away from WordPress.com to a self-hosted solution, you can use the domain management tools to point the domain to your new nameservers until the waiting period has elapsed.

    After the 60 days, you can use those same tools to unlock it and then you can initiate the transfer to another registrar if you would like.

  • Hmmm our 60days should be up, i`ll have to talk with mr Swaggtalk100 about the exact date he registered it i most definately know it was before the holidays, Have you had to deal with this before raincoater and if so what was the pros and cons of it?

  • Have I had to deal with sixty days before? I have only moved one domain off WP.com and I’d had it for over a year by then.

  • Ok cool, you guys are the best thanks for the links and info

  • @ markel

    I have clicked the link you posted last night and what it suggested is not listed on our dashboard under settings/ domains

    this is what we see when we follow those instructions:

    primary Domain which is selected as swaggtalk100.net and underneath that the wordpress address of swaggtalk100.wordpress.com also its saying enter verification text with the box to enter it open (last night i mistakenly hit disable and then enable again)

    perhaps the link you provided is for people who are either just now getting their domain name or about to

    any suggestion?

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