Question about creating polls …

  • Hey

    I just created 2 blogs, one of which was: “Who do you think is the best actor of all time?”

    The polls are under the category XXXTRA-VOTE NOW!

    But … for some reason the order of answers shifts back and forth. I don’t want that at all! :(

    I ALWAYS want the answer ‘Other’ to be the last one (which is why I typed it as such).

    ***howcome the order of my answers shift in a different order, please?***


    Bye for now

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You didn’t create two blogs: you created two blog posts. Please give us a direct link to the post you are asking about, starting with http.

  • Oh, sorry, I made a typo.

    What I meant was:

    “I just created 2 POLLS (not blogs, but polls) … and the answers that the visitors of my blog can choose shift back and forth … and I want the answer ‘other’ ALWAYS to be the last option.

    By the way: is there a possibility to – when a visitor chooses ‘Other’ – make a white spacebar appear in which the visitor can write her/his own answer?

    E.g.: for the poll “Best actor”, I gave the following options:
    Al Pacino
    Robert De Niro
    Jack Nicholson
    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Denzel Washington

    It would be awesome if a visitor were to choose ‘Other’ and then be able to type his/her own answer, such as Dustin Hoffman or Morgan Freeman or so …

    Thanks and sorry for the mix-up … I réally meant 2 polls, not blogs, lol! :D

    Bye for now

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