
  • Hello!

    I am using this website for a class and she hasn’t been able to open any of my posts. Is my website or blog fully launched? I just want to see what I’m doing wrong!

    Marie Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Marie! It’s fully launched, but there could be a couple of issues.

    First, be sure you’re using the right links. If they start with

    …that’s your editor. Your posts should start with your site link, like this:

    Home as it is

    Please let us know whether that’s the issue you were having! We’ll want to note it.

    Also, I noticed the front page of your site really doesn’t link to your articles. You could add a Blog link, or you could put the articles on the front page through some template editing (or possibly a theme switch), or you could just make the latest posts show on the front page. If you want to take one of those routes, let us know and we’ll help you get started.

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