Query Loop Block – Reblog Display issue

  • Howdy! I’m currently testing a front page layout and have an issue with how Reblogged posts display in the Query Loop block.

    In the Editor, everything looks normal, but on the front end the “continue reading” link that the Query Loop block adds automatically to regular posts does not appear if the post is a Reblog.

    Additionally, if I add the “continue reading” link myself in the Editor, then it appears doubled for the regular posts in the Query Loop block. (Temp screenshots)

    I do have the ability to edit the CSS on this site, if relevant.

    Thanks for any help here.

    Also just noting that this is the regular WordPress Editor and not the Site Editor.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey Jen! :)

    In the Editor, everything looks normal, but on the front end the “continue reading” link that the Query Loop block adds automatically to regular posts does not appear if the post is a Reblog.

    This does sound like an interesting quirk
    and one I suspect we may not have come across with the query block and reblogs.

    Are you able tell me the name of the page you’re working on so that we can look to replicate and troubleshoot please.

    Many thanks!

  • Many thanks!

    This most certainly looks like a feature request or a bug with the query block and how it deals with Reblogs.

    The only difference I can see so far, is that the reblogged article has an excerpt filled in.

    Are you able to add an excerpt to a regular post please? This will help us to compare like for like and provide more information as to how best to to troubleshoot that, and/or apply a workaround.

    Many thanks again! :)

  • Hi, sorry @aleone89 that excerpt was a different test I was running. I’ve gone ahead and removed it from that Reblogged post.

  • Hi Jen,

    Stepping in here, but I’ll admit that I’m not sure which post on this draft is having this issue, possibly because it can be hard to tell at a glance which posts are reblogs and which are not.

    It’s clear that “How to Build a Website From Scratch With WordPress.com in 10 Steps-via WordPress.com Go” is a reblog, and I see that it does not have a continue reading link displayed, but is that the only post that is a reblog? Is that the only reblog with this issue and other reblogs work correctly?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Hi Jerry, in that particular test layout page “How to Build” is the only reblog in the query.

    However, I’ve just created and published a Private page with a query loop that includes only reblogs. https://wpcommaven.com/20220719-reblog-query-loop-test/

    Besides the issue with vertical spacing, none of those reblogs has a “continue reading” link. They do have an ellipsis.

    Thanks again.

  • Hi Jen,

    In the editor below each post, there’s a Post Excerpt block that enables the read more option. You only need to enter some text in one of those, and the rest are automatically populated.

    As for the spacing, the issue looks like a bug with the Query Loop block and the Dalston theme. I’m gonna replicate it and report it.

  • Thanks, Fotis.

    I only made that test page following Jerry’s question. The issue is when a Reblog appears in the Query Loop block together with regular posts.

    As I mentioned above:

    if I add the “continue reading” link myself in the Editor (to the Reblogged post*), then it appears doubled for the regular posts in the Query Loop block.

    This is the actual draft page I’m working on. http://wpcommaven.com/?page_id=11000 and here are temporary screenshots

    Thanks again.

    (*added for clarity)

  • Yes, you’re right. It looks like a bug or a feature request. I’ll replicate it along with the spacing issue and report them to the dev team.

    Thanks for identifying those issues, Jen!

  • Great! Thanks, Fotis.

    Practically speaking, is there anything I can do now to “correct” the display of that Reblog in that Query Loop block?

    Alternatively, is there a way to exclude a single post from displaying in the Query Loop block? (ID# for example)

    Or anything else?

    Thanks again.

  • Hello Jen,

    You could look to hide/exclude the reblog in the query block with the use of a category or tag filter perhaps:

    You could also look to hide the additional excerpt link with some custom CSS, something like this perhaps:

    .wp-block-post-excerpt__more-link {
        display: none;

    I hope this helps. :)

  • Thanks! I’ll give those a try the next time I’m back on my computer and let you know how it worked out.

  • So, in summary, the CSS solution didn’t work because while it hides the “continue reading” link in that specific query, it’s the one I add manually, meaning the Reblog still has no “continue reading” link.
    (temp screenshots)

    As far as changing that specific Query Loop by Filter, I’ll give that a try, but it would mean doing a lot more testing than I have time for right now. Might have to just bite the bullet and publish knowing that the Reblog will eventually be pushed down by new posts.

    If it were possible to make a “simple” exclude by Post ID#, that would be ideal.

    Thanks again for everyone’s help and reporting of this issue. I do appreciate that. :)

  • Hello Jen,

    So, in summary, the CSS solution didn’t work because while it hides the “continue reading” link in that specific query, it’s the one I add manually, meaning the Reblog still has no “continue reading” link.

    Understood – could targeting the latter perhaps help?

    .entry-content .more-link {
        display: none;

    If it were possible to make a “simple” exclude by Post ID#, that would be ideal.

    Agreed – that would be most ideal!

  • Thanks again @aleone89 Because I originally added a Spacer block to the Query Loop Block’s Post Template, I think removing the “continue reading” link entirely looks the best in terms of spacing as well. Visitors understand that clicking the Post Title will bring them to the single post view.

    I’ll check later to see if the appearance of “read more” in other places has been affected.

    Thanks again and cheers for now.

  • Hi again, Just noting that the above CSS in @aleone89’s latest reply also suppresses the “continue reading” link in the Blog Posts block, the Latest Posts block as well any default blog page or archive page (category, tag, date, etc.). In short, everywhere.

    So the question now is how can I target the CSS to the “continue reading” link in just the query blocks on the front page of my site.

    Thanks again.

  • Hello Jen,

    It looks like we’re getting there :)

    So the question now is how can I target the CSS to the “continue reading” link in just the query blocks on the front page of my site.

    You could add .home before the CSS like this:

    .home .entry-content .more-link {
        display: none;

    This also works via page ID’s:

    .page-id-11000 entry-content .more-link {
    display: none;

  • Hi again, @aleone89 – Is the < in your above snippets intended?

    In the long run, I’ll go with Door #1

    .home .entry-content .more-link {
        display: none;

    which removes all the “continue reading” links from the front page and doesn’t affect the other pages I mentioned earlier.

    With the page ID, and I’m not sure I understand why, we were back to square one with all the other excerpts displaying the automatically generated “continue reading” link and the Reblog without.

    I think I’m good with the current solution. So, with many thanks. I’ve marked this topic as resolved.

  • Hello Jen!

    Door #1 wins! That < was no intended!

    I’m glad we got there. :)

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