putting a banner on the journalist. Is it OK?

  • I just managed to change the generic header in the journalist with a cool banner: http://angryfrenchguy.com/

    Now I’m worried that since I removed some CSS code, my blog will become invisible to search engines.

    What I did was remove the original H1a thing and replace it with

    #container h1 a {
    background:url(‘http://XXXXXXX’) top center no-repeat;

    Does any one know?

  • I am not an expert but I think it should be fine since your text is still there, it’s just not on the bit of the page that normally displays on screen.

  • Must have followed my earlier instructions :) No, there is no problem since the blog header is still there. I had no problem in the months that I had The Journalist on my blog. (For that matter, I’m still using that setup with my current blog.)

  • Yes Vivian, I did follow your instructions.

    Thanks to you both.

  • Actually, I got those instructions elsewhere and modified them for The Journalist. The key is the text indent – the text is still there (so search engines can find your blog) but hidden from the blog display.

    Glad it works for you!

  • I’m trying to do this but I keep getting a tiny little banner. I used the size you used and I don’t get what I’m doing wrong.

  • The blog linked in your user name doesn’t have the CSS upgrade so I can’t look to see what you have done.

  • Oh, and you have to make sure that your image is the proper size, too.

  • That link is for images in posts, not the header image. The size of the image depends on whether you have adjusted the width and height of the blog. In the code above, the header size is given:

  • Oops my bad, dunno what I thinking (a little too pre-occupied with photographing hornbills lately). I tried the code posted above with the exact image dimension and correct url, I got a empty white space instead.

  • I don’t see where you adjusted the width of the blog, for starters. Looking at the CSS file, the container width is set to 911 px. In my original post about this, I mentioned that I had resized the area to match the width of the theme. That was, of course, the old Journalist theme. I see you are using the new one.

  • The other thing you can do is look at the CSS of angryfrenchguy, linked above

  • I wrote to ‘angryfrenchguy’ for help with the code he has successfully used but have yet to get a respond. On top of that, I got the codes from IE6’s view source and don’t understand a thing I’m looking at.

    I discovered that when I view your blog in IE6, each time I move the mouse to the banner, it disappears for a moment then reappears while this doesn’t happen in Firefox. I don’t know if this happens in IE7 but it would be quite annoying if it does considering the majority of people are using IE (I stand corrected).

  • IE6 is notoriously bad for wordpress.com. If that’s what you are using, you definitely should upgrade to IE7. And I’m not using The Journalist on my blog.

  • By the way, when I said look at angryfrench’s blog, I didn’t mean “view source.” I meant look at the CSS. If you don’t have the developers toolbar for Firefox, you should get it if you are going to be doing anything with CSS. It has a CSS viewer built in.

  • IE6 is there and unavoidably so because it’s integrated with Windows Explorer which I habitually use. I’m so used to punching Windows key + E to launch explorer for folder management that I’ve also used the same Explorer window to visit internet sites—it’s the one thing that Microsoft did right. Ever since IE7 came, the idea of a browser (more secure and what not) that could not also browse my folders lost my vote.

    Then recently, I tried FireFox 3 and found I could once again get excited about browser when I discovered it could very effectively (via AdBlock Plus extension) block Ads, I was WOW-ed. And now, thanks to you, having installed the Web Development Tool and actually looked at CSS codes (not that I know much about coding) it’s a significant tool to have.

    Thanks again.

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