put image and link into sidebar – images disappear

  • I put an image and link into my sidebar according to the FAQ answer on how to do so. It works initially. The first time I load my page I see the image. If I refresh it, the image disappears and all I’m left with is the link title. I put it in using a text widget.

    This also happens with badges that I try to insert. All I see when I load my page is the text, not any of the graphics.

    Why isn’t it working after the initial page load?

    my site is http://carnivalofvoices.wordpress.com/

  • Can you paste the code you’re putting in the text widget here, between backticks. Backticks are those little marks on the same key as ~ so you’d post backtick, code, backtick. That makes it display properly so we can look at it.

    Right now it sounds like those images are hosted on iffy servers. Did you upload them here, or are you hotlinking from their sites?

  • I have the same problem…the last text box on my left sidebar…http://www.rupeenews.com

    Also my doante paypal button does not show anymore

  • PLEASE do not post the same thing in multiple threads. It only slows the forum volunteers down and prevents them from helping you faster.

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