Purchasing Premium Themes (add post slider?)

  • Hi,

    I have a blog that I believe was created in some format of wordpress.org (I only know this because when I log in to make posts, under the WordPress icon it says WordPress.org). It was previously created by a web designer who has been non-respondent when I need changes. So in my attempt to get this project complete, I was going to purchase a premium theme and I thought maybe I could somehow transfer over the old site info to the new one. But I’m not sure if that can be done or if there’s an easy way to do it. (If I can’t then starting from scratch is something I will do).

    I have my log-in information to add posts, navigation etc but I’m really not familiar with this process at all.

    What I planned on doing was paying for the premium theme but I’m not sure if I can add a post slider to the design because it’s not listed. Is that something that can be added even if the theme (Magazine – the one with Lenny Kravitz) doesn’t actually have it? Can I add some kind of widget or plugin or something to that theme? That’s the only feature the theme doesn’t have that I would really like.


  • I have a blog that I believe was created in some format of wordpress.org (I only know this because when I log in to make posts, under the WordPress icon it says WordPress.org).

    You are currently in a forum for blogs hosted by WordPress.com, which doesn’t work the same way as WordPress.org. If you use WordPress.org indeed, please ask your question at http://wordpress.org/support

    If you are not sure whether you use WP.com or WP.org, please provide us with the link to the blog in question (http://…)

  • Also, if I were to have to start over completely, isn’t the Magazine premium theme for WordPress.com?

    Thank you

  • http://www.butterflyinthecity.com/ is self-hosted, so the correct forum would be over at .ORG.

    If you want a premium theme for that site, then all you have to do is to purchase it and install it on that site. You will not purchase it here at wordpress.COM though as there is no way to use the premium themes here on a .ORG installation. You need to purchase it from the original theme designer.

  • Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

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