Purchased and Subscribed to a blog under paypal, but that email?

  • Hi,
    I purchased access to a blog through paypal, my paypal account is under work email, but when I signed up for wordpress, I utilized my personal email. Now, the invitations are coming through my work email and when I sign into wordpress, not getting access which makes sense.

    anybody know how to fix this, please?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I purchased access to a blog through paypal

    What is a the exact URL of that site? We require the URL to determine where it is hosted.

  • Hi Michelle –

    I’ve sent you an email to go over this.

  • Hi, Bruce,
    Thanks for you help, The blog is :
    the feminine belle

    I did update my email address on the wordpress account to my work email to match my paypal account. I hope that solves the problem, I haven’t had a chance to try but am about to catch an airplane right now, and will try on the airplane.

    I am just not word press saavy and never utilized it.

  • Are you referring to this duplicate content blog https://thefemininebelle.wordpress.com/ that has identical content to your Blogger blog at http://thefemininebelle.blogspot.ca/?

    If so you need to read what Google has to say about those who deliberately create duplicate content across domains because doing that means both sites suffer in SERPs (search engine page results).

  • Hi, Time Thief,
    Those blogs aren’t mine…..those are the ones I paid and subscribe too.

    I don’t even blog, nor realized this lady had several blogs which has caused me great confusion since I should have access to all of them but dont.

    I don’t want to write, I just want to read, so am a bit frustrated with having to sign up for word press . Maybe thats what you meant??
    I signed up as “eternally feminine” thinking that would be my user name since this site isn’t very clear nor good on instructions.

  • Hi there,

    I’m going to summarize what you said, to make sure I understand correctly — please let me know if anything here is not correct:

    You are subscribed to the following blogs, written by another blogger:

    You set up a WordPress.com account with the username anamichelle65 and your personal email address.

    You purchased content from the blogs using a PayPal account linked to your work email, and now you are getting emails at that work email address and having trouble accessing the content you purchased.

    WordPress.com doesn’t provide a pay-for-access model for blogs, so you can access the WordPress.com blog at https://thefemininebelle.wordpress.com/ without paying for access. Can you please give me a link to the content you are trying to access, that you’re having trouble with, so I can take a closer look at it? (If it isn’t hosted here at WordPress.com I won’t be able to help you access it, but I can look at it to try to clarify what’s going on.)

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