Publishing to Twitter & LinkedIn has Stopped

  • Over the past two days my daily posts have not been publshed on Twitter or LinkedIn. I have reason to believe that followers are not getting the automatic e-mail for the posts either. What is going on?

  • Hi there,

    Can you tell us the URL of the site you need help with? There are several sites in your account.

    I have reason to believe that followers are not getting the automatic e-mail for the posts either.

    Why do you say this? There is no connection at all between the email notification system and the Publicize feature that auto-shares new posts to social media, so a problem with one in no way implies a possible problem with the other.

    If there are specific followers on your site who have let you know they didn’t receive emails for the most recent post, please give the email addresses involved so we can check whether or not those emails were sent.

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