Published posts taking on date of draft

  • Published posts are being dated as of the date of the draft, rather than the date I hit “publish.” The “Publish Immediately” option has disappeared on these. How do I fix this?

  • Hi there,

    I just took a look at your site and the date which is showing as your blog having been published on the front end is matching the date as it having actually been published on the “edit” page for each post. Is that what you are talking about?

    In case you’re not aware, you can control what date is displayed by going in and editing each post and on the right hand side of the screen where it says “Published On:” click the Edit link and change the date and time and then click the “Update” button.

  • Perhaps I didn’t explain this very well. I have several drafts that I’ve been working on. When I go to publish them, they are publishing as of the date of the draft, not as of right now. The only way I can fix it is to change the publish date, which is quite cumbersome.

    This is NOT what has happened in the past – and I’ve been blogging here since 2006. Draft posts did not have a date on them; instead, the “publish immediately” option was there.

    I think something has changed on the back end. A draft post should not have a “published” date on it at all.

  • OK – y’all must have fixed something because I just opened up one of my drafts – “Who’s running: Suffolk” – and the “publish immediately” option is there.

    I’m changing this to resolved.

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