publish site

  • publish site Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I just want to try to see how my site will work first before getting a plan. However, my payment transaction was declined each time using three debit cards.

  • Hi there!

    I’m sorry to hear about the issue you faced. It seems you contacted billing support via email already. They will get back to you via email to help you with this further. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.

    I’d also like to take this opportunity to learn more about the site you’re creating with us. Would you mind telling us more about your new site? What’s the site for, and what features do you need on the site? Based on your site requirements, we’ll be happy to share specific guides and suggestions and help you accordingly.


  • Good day! I need URGENT help. My site is ready with About, Blog, Gallery pages. Despite having linked my pages to the navigation menus both in the homepage and post page, I could not get through the pages when clicking on each of the menu. My homepage is also my contact page since all contact information are already there. What may be the problem and solution? My website is and I had subscribed to the Premium plan. Please help. Thank you. enriquelabonetenavarro

  • Good day! I need URGENT help. My site is ready with About, Blog, Gallery pages. Despite having linked my pages to the navigation menus both in the homepage and post page, I could not get through the pages when clicking on each of the menu. My homepage is also my contact page since all contact information are already there. What may be the problem and solution? My website is and I had subscribed to the Premium plan. Please help. Thank you. enriquelabonetenavarro

  • Hey there,

    It looks like the links are:

    You wouldn’t need # in the link. I’ve updated these for you so you should be able to access these pages.

    I hope this helps.

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