Unable to connect to Facebook

  • @ 3ajl24 @rafoyapo @gemmacevans

    Just tried but giving following error.

    Could not update the Publicize connections on the remote Jetpack site. No Publicize connection created.

  • Yes, there are still problems again
    It still seems to be in need of reform
    Facebook connections from WordPress.com are currently experiencing failures.

  • We have not received any updates yet from Facebook regarding this issue.

    If reconnecting is working now for you, then excellent. It seems to be working for some people, so feel free to try.

    But as far as we know this issue has not been fixed yet. The moment we know more we’ll update here.

  • Situation appears resolved as have just published new post and about 5 mins later its appeared automatically on blog’s FB Page. Hope its working for more folk.

    Thank you very much engineers for your help, perseverance and patience, and for keeping us posted.

  • We have heard from our Facebook contact that Facebook is investigating the issue.

    While this isn’t exactly a confirmation of a fix, I suppose it makes sense that some of you will be able to connect as Facebook gets closer to a solution.

    We’ll let you all know here once we receive a final “all clear.”

  • Successfully connected to facebook pages!

  • I’m still getting the message ‘Facebook connections from WordPress.com are currently experiencing failures’ when I try to connect.
    Has the p[roblem been sorted or is it just me having difficulties?

  • @horrorboundbooks,

    This has not been fixed yet, but it does appear to be working for some people and not others.

    I just tried with my own site, and it’s still failing for me as well.

  • Hey, the posts on my Facebook page for my WordPress site, The Reviewing Network, keeps getting flagged as spam for no reason. Nearly all of my most recent blog posts keep getting marked as spam and I don’t know what’s going on, somebody please give me some help here or at least tell me what’s going on because this is getting ridiculous now.

  • Good Morning, further to my previous post over 24 hours ago, I am still getting: ‘Facebook connections from WordPress.com are currently experiencing failures’. Does WordPress not have any idea when this problem will be resolved? Cheers.

  • Hi horrorboundbooks,

    We are still waiting to hear back from Facebook’s developers. As mentioned in an earlier comment, the issue appears to be on their end so we’ll need to wait to hear back from their developers. I’m unable to give you a timeframe at the moment but we’ll share an update here as soon as we know more :)

    — your issue sounds different from the one being discussed in this thread. If your posts are being marked as spam on Facebook’s side, please contact them for more information about why this is happening.

  • Hello,




    Any update on the subject issue is it been completely resolved or no. Even though my Facebook is connected back with WordPress however still experiencing issues where none of product are getting posted on Facebook as Post only getting updated on Shop and manually updating into the post.

    Awaiting your kind response.

    Minesh Shah

  • Hi Minesh,

    Our developers are still working with Facebook to resolve this. We’ll update this thread when it’s resolved.

  • Same issue here and anxious for reconnection when it becomes possible!

  • I think is working now, at least my WordPress site is automatically publicizing posts on Facebook (starting from today)!

  • Hi folks, we still haven’t heard back from our Facebook contact after they said they’re looking into it, but we’re considering this issue resolved due to the overwhelming number of successful connections lately.

    We’re also adding some new logging on our end so we can keep a better eye on these things going forward.

    If you haven’t yet reconnected Facebook, just follow this guide: https://en.support.wordpress.com/publicize/#reconnecting-services

  • @optimusinformativo,

    Your site’s logs on our end shows it’s currently connected to Facebook, that the connection was created two hours ago, and that it’s working.

    If you still see it as disconnected at My Site ->Tools ->Marketing ->Connections, please try completely logging out of WordPress.com, clearing your browser cache, and then log back in and check if it’s still the case.

    Also check if you can see Facebook as an option in the Publicize settings in the editor itself.

  • Hello Kokkieh, I am connected, and it shows the connection, all ready cleared the cache, uninstalled from faceboko and installed again, uniistalled plugin and reinstalled, but still not working.

  • uniistalled plugin and reinstalled,

    When I checked earlier today there was only one site in your account, https://optimusinformativo.wordpress.com/, which is a free WordPress.com site that cannot use plugins.

    If you’re using plugins, it means you’re referring to a site using the open source WordPress.org software, where the Publicize feature is controlled by the Jetpack plugin.

    In that case, please contact Jetpack support instead for help troubleshooting this.

    Contact Support

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