Publiching multiple images

  • Once I upload several images, Is there a way I can publish multiple images at the same time rather than just one at a time? I really don’t need to add a title or caption for the images, just want a way to quickly publish the ones I have uploaded without having to go through the “Show image and publish” routine for each individual one I want to upload.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When you are creating a post and add images, they are added to the “gallery” tab in which you can embed multiple images into one gallery in your post.

  • Just tried uploading a batch and portrait oriented photos were rotated sideways and can’t get them back up straight. Help! Most of our photos are portrait

  • Just tried uploading a batch and portrait oriented photos were rotated sideways and can’t get them back up straight. Help! Most of our photos are portrait

  • @libbydavy: The site linked to your nick is not a blog. If you’re talking about another blog, we need the link to it. If not, you’re in the wrong forum.

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