Protected Posts Making Layout Look Weird

  • Hi there!

    I’m a new WP member/user and I’m using the Dusk theme by Beccary for my layout.

    Recently, I’ve made password-protected posts and for some odd reason, the posts make my layout go weird, shifting my sidebar to replace the main block/page.

    An example of this is here:

    I’ve searched through the forums and didn’t find anything related to password protected posts making layouts go weird, so I decided to post a thread asking for help.

    I do know that in previous help threads, it has been suggested to double check the entry/post to make sure tags aren’t broken or something and I ran both of my entries through a text editor and checked for broken tags and whatnot.


    There aren’t any errors that I can see, though I have another password-protected entries in my ‘fanfiction’ category and even password-protected, it shows up fine.

    It seems the problem is isolated in that it only causes my layout to go weird if ONLY PW protected entries are on the page.

    I use Firefox, but I opened my blog in IE and it shows the same problem with the sidebar shifting over to nest under my protected entries.

    ALSO, if I input the password, the full entry shows up without any problems whatsoever and my sidebar is where it should be.

    So… what gives? Is this a random PW protected quirk? A layout quirk? Something I did wrong?

    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated being that I really like the layout!

    Thanks in advance!

    ~ EB

  • Definitely weird (I checked it out). My guess is this should be booted up to admin through feedback. Our usual moderator (drmike) isn’t here today and won’t be until tomorrow.

  • Gotcha. Thanks so much! I’ll update this thread if I learn anything new meanwhile.

  • This looks like the theme bug we touched on in another thread (the posts at the bottom).

    I’ll go ahead and send in a feedback for you.

  • Looks okay to me. Might have been fixed when I fixed the problem in the other thread.

  • Agreed, looks better now than it did.

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