Property attribute "oncontextmenu" being added automatically to URL

  • Hi

    Can someone please explain why property attribute “oncontextmenu” is being added automatically to a URL on my site?

    Below is an example from post:

    Within HTML editor I compose the URL in question like so:

    <a title="Lowe's Let's Build Something Together" href="">$50 Lowe’s Gift Card</a>

    But when I view the HTML for that link on the actual post page, I see this:

    <a onclick="return mugicPopWin(this,event);" oncontextmenu="mugicRightClick(this);" title="Lowe's Let's Build Something Together" href="">$50 Lowe’s Gift Card</a>

    Thank you in advance for anyone that can explain to me what is going on.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Interestingly enough, after doing a search on Google, this is not an isolated occurrence.

    What are the implications of that, I could not say. I’ve tagged this thread for Staff attention.

  • You are probably trying to use code that is not allowed here for security reasons. I see the code now is a generic link to Lowes, I am assuming that you just want to let anyone that does not know who Lowes is what the store offers (lots of stuff to fix their home).

    Add Code to Your Site

  • Looks like I need to clean my glasses again @justjennifer – but maybe they can use the information in the future – oh well – such the way the day is going.


  • @justjennifer I found similar information when I performed a search (before posting here in the support forums).

    Thank you for adding the tag for “Staff attention” :)

  • @auxclass As far as I am aware I’m not using any HTML code that’s not allowed within

    Please refer to my initial post (above) for the HTML code I’m using (inputting via editor) and the HTML code that’s being “automatically generated” on my site (is still there on my site).

  • Like I said – I need to clean my glasses – sorry for the answer to not really what you ask – hope it did not cause too much confusion.

  • @green63026 while I’ve added the tag, it’s no guarantee that Staff will reply. If you don’t get an answer within a reasonable time, it’d be worthwhile contacting Support directly with your question. And it would be appreciated if you’d post any reply you receive. TIA

  • @auxclass No worries, just wanted to make sure there was no confusion (between us, or that I was confusing anyone else).

  • @justjennifer Will do on both items (contacting Support directly & posting an answer if I receive one).

  • To help support the free service we provide on, we occasionally run ads on some pageviews. This includes Google AdSense and a handful of other partners. One of these is Skimlinks. The Skimlinks code (what you have referred to in your report) is being added only to links that contain domains that are on Skimlinks’ list of affiliate partners. If you don’t wish to have ads, or have your links to affiliate partners run through Skimlinks, we offer a “No-Ads” upgrade for a small fee — with that upgrade, none of your readers will ever see any ads or affiliated links on your blog. For more information on advertising on, see:

  • Thanks for posting that info Ryan, though I’m still not sure what this means for the average visitor. I know when/where Google Ads appear, but haven’t a clue about Skimlinks.

  • This is what I found on the SkimLinks site:

    What type of content keywords does SkimWords turn into links?

    Because we know every publisher is different, SkimWords comes in three implementation flavors; Lite, Standard and Premier. This means you can choose how extensively SkimWords works on your site. The Standard starter option will be enabled for all new publishers joining Skimlinks, and will turn the most popular merchant and product references in your vertical into unobtrusive shopping links. You can choose to downgrade to the Lite option if you are concerned about contextual advertising, because this option will only turn merchant names and written merchant URLs into links to merchant homepages.

    Publishers with high traffic and keyword-rich sites will be invited to upgrade to SkimWords Premier. This option has the highest revenue potential, as it can turn hundreds of thousands of product and merchant references into unobtrusive shopping links. But don’t worry, we always limit the amount of links on a page based on the amount of content, so your content will never look over-linked! We also optimize these links based on the geography and shopping preferences of your community.

  • @markel (Ryan) Thank you for taking the time to post a reply in this thread. The explanation, information given is greatly appreciated.

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