Profile Picture does not appear – tried everything

  • Hello!

    I am linked to the geekadelphia website, and put my picture on Gravatar so it would appear on the site. Unfortunately, the picture does not appear, when you get to my main profile, or on the blog I work with. The picture does appear when I go to change my picture and I have to give it a rating. I have been having nothing but trouble with this, and even when others try to help me the picture still isn’t there. I guess you can say this is an issue on both the blog and my Gravatar.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Ok, let’s see if we can sort this out!

    The picture does appear when I go to change my picture and I have to give it a rating.

    Many sites will only display a G-rated Gravatar — which means the image is suitable for display on all websites with any audience type

    Can you give the image you are trying to use a G rating and see if that helps? You can check and change image ratings on

    Once you’ve done so, wait a few minutes and see if it updates.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • That worked! Thank you so much Gemma!

  • Great :) You’re very welcome!

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