Profile Picture appearing at top

  • Hi-

    How do I get my profile picture to not appear at the top of my home page? I cant seem to figure out a way to delete it or get rid of it up there.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The setup instructions for your theme are here Scroll down to this heading Gravatar Profile Image.

    Independent Publisher 2 was built with the personal blogger in mind, so a Gravatar profile image can be used in the header.

    By default, the site owner’s Gravatar is displayed, only if you’ve uploaded a Gravatar image. To change it, go to and choose another photo or image for your profile. You can also go to Customize → Theme Options and change the Gravatar email address to another one. If you don’t want to display a Gravatar at all, remove the email address from the field completely.

  • thank you very much.

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