Problems with my header

  • Hi! As you see in my site, the first element is my navigation. But above that always appears some white fringe/strip. How can I get rid of that so that the navigation in grey is really fixed at the top?

    The grey block is indeed the first in the list, above that is the title-element which I do not want to use here (but rather under the menu as shown) but I also cannot get rid of it in any way.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Thanks for getting in touch – could you clarify the issue you’re having a little more?

    When I head to, I’m able to see your navigation menu just under your banner/cover image right at the top. Is this what you’re referring to? If so, I’m not able to see a white fringe or strip here either.

    If you’re able to take a screenshot of what you’re able to see and share it here, that would be really helpful. We can take a closer look after that.

  • Hi geekinthegirl:)
    Sorry, yeah, on the first page it is fine because I use a different kind of header. I am referring to any other page, for example this one:

    Thanks in advance, have a nice rest of the day!

  • Hello! 👋🏼

    Sorry, yeah, on the first page it is fine because I use a different kind of header. I am referring to any other page, for example this one:

    I checked your site and pages, and noticed some “extra” paddings. In fact, there’s nothing extra in it, apart from that’s where the site title and description are. I changed the color of it on my end, and saw:

    (if you can’t see the screenshot, click here)

    This can be resolved with CSS, but your site is not on any CSS-supported plan.

    What I suggest instead is to change the theme to any which is compatible with the Site Editor, that will let you modify the theme’s templates and make them look according to your preference 😊

    💡 You can find the Site Editor-compatible themes here:

    📚 To learn more about the Site Editor and using the templates, please refer to these links:

    Alternatively, you can upgrade to a Premium plan, and we’ll be able to provide a CSS for resolving this 🙂

  • Hi, thank you for your extended answer. Unfortunately, it did not work at all. It changed my whole website to a different theme that is (as far as I can see) irreversible. I can basically start over. Apart from that, I still cannot get rid of the white part with the title of my website.

  • Hi there, @phaensel56!

    Thanks for reaching back out.

    Unfortunately, it did not work at all. It changed my whole website to a different theme that is (as far as I can see) irreversible.

    You can always reactivate your old theme. Your customizations should still be there after you reactivate the theme.

    However, as mentioned, to reduce the space there in your header, we do recommend upgrading to the Premium plan so we can remove the space with some CSS or we recommend using a Site Editor theme. With Site Editing, you can edit nearly every element of your site (including your header) using blocks.

    It sounds like this new theme is working for you – glad to hear that!

    If you do need any additional help, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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