Problems with links on left side of dashboard page; can't access them

  • I have two blogs on WordPress, &
    Since yesterday, on my laptop computer I haven’t been able to get the administration screens on either of my sites’ dashboard pages, as they all produce a blank screen with the WordPress logo.
    Which means I haven’t been able to check my number of reads, edit my posts, write any new posts, or use any links on the left side of my dashboard page.
    The strange thing about all of this is that I’m able to access these pages on my PC and my Kindle tablet, but not on my laptop, which is what I use the most.
    I would like this fixed immediately, or be told how to do so; if anyone can help me with this I would very much appreciate it.
    Thank you…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there:

    If you can access them on other devices, the problem would lie with your laptop, not

    Please try the following:

    1. Log out of your account and log back in.
    2. Try using an incognito window which will avoid any antivirus/antitracking extensions that might be interfering with your dashboard.

    Let us know how it goes!

  • Hey,
    Thanks for the suggestions!
    I’ve tried logging off and logging back on, and it didn’t work. But I’ll try it again.
    And I know this is probably a really dumb question, but what exactly is an incognito window?
    Thanks in advance :)
    P.S. – The really weird thing is that I have no problem accessing any other sites/webpages on the internet on my laptop; it’s just the dashboard links on wordpress…

  • Hi there,

    An incognito or private window is a browser window with no extensions and no logging of your browsing activity. For example, if you’re using Chrome here’s how to enable it:

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