Problems with changes in Bold News Theme

  • Dear WooThemes,

    After you asked me on twitter to mail you with my problems, now you’ve mailed me to post my problems here. So I’ll just copy/paste the emails we’ve sent.

    me April 19th:
    today I noticed the blogpost titles appear all messed up in Bold News Theme.
    Where the titles used to be on the side of the prefered image, they are now cut off and displayed partially underneath the blogpost image.
    WHY? It looks stupid and this is not what I bought.

    reply April 20th:
    I don’t see that here in the WordPress demo. –
    What browser are you viewing those sites in?

    me April 20th:
    I use both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, and it displays like this on my smartphone as well. So there’s definately something wrong.

    me April 21st:
    I’m having more troubles with the changes you made;
    When I schedule a blogpost, it does NOT publicize. Yesterday, I thought I
    did something wrong, but today it happens again.
    I scheduled a post for 13:00h (1:00pm), it’s now 13:40h (1:40pm) and it’s
    still scheduled. I guess you did something to the timezones as well?

    Exept for the larger size for embedded video’s you seriously messed things

    What more did you change withouth telling me? And is that even allowed,
    changing a product I paid for, without giving me a choice or at least
    letting me know? For god sake, WordPress customer service has to tell me
    you made the changes with the blogtitles, you don’t even tell me that after
    my complaints. Thats just disrespectful.

    reply April 22nd:
    I’m very sorry about the confusion in this regard.
    We actually provide support to our support users via the forums instead, where our support staff is active and answers all questions. Here’s the links you’ll need:
    * The Premium Themes Forum:
    * Bold News Documentation:

    So.. will you help me now?

  • kijkbuisgeneratie · Member ·

    I see the second link sent me to the forum-frontpage, maybe this should move to the Premium Themes page?

  • Hi kijkbuisgeneratie,

    Please see my responses below:

    1. Post titles styling.

    We are currently working on isolating this, as the post titles disappeared from one or two customers’ blogs. We apologise for any inconvenience caused here and are currently working to resolve this.

    2. Scheduling of posts.

    This is not handled or modified by the theme in any way and would best be discussed with technical support in the appropriate support forum.

    3. Changes to the theme.

    Yes, themes on are maintained by their appropriate theme author and updates to the theme, when made by the theme author and after having been reviewed by the theme team, are deployed all all websites running said theme after review.

    If you’d prefer not to have this functionality, I’d recommend hosting your website on a self-hosted solution.

    If you’d prefer to have more control over your CSS and be able to change any CSS updates that are made, you could purchase the “Custom Design” upgrade for to adjust the CSS to your liking, should changes be made that you don’t agree with.

    I hope this clarifies things somewhat. :)

    Thanks and regards,

  • today I noticed the blogpost titles appear all messed up in Bold News Theme.

    @kijkbuisgeneratie, for the Bold News blog title issue, can you please add an additional request at so there is a record of it there?

    I still see the problem you described when I check your blog at —>

  • When I schedule a blogpost, it does NOT publicize. Yesterday, I thought I
    did something wrong, but today it happens again.
    I scheduled a post for 13:00h (1:00pm), it’s now 13:40h (1:40pm) and it’s
    still scheduled. I guess you did something to the timezones as well?

    Is this problem still happening for you? If so, I can do some additional tests on my side to try to trigger the problem. If I can come up with steps to reproduce the problem (or maybe if we can catch it happening on your blog again) that will help us track down what is happening.

  • kijkbuisgeneratie · Member ·

    Thanks for your reply. About the timezones; I live in UTC+1, so that’s the timezone I set my blog in. But now I see in the settings this timezone is one hour early (Now its 20:26 here, but in the settings it displays as 19:26).

    I could just change it to a time-zone I don’t live in (UTC+2), but that would be a bit of a weird way to fix the problem right?

    So, the time-zones are set wrong. Don’t know why, but I’d like to have it fixed. Thanks!

  • Setting UTC+1 won’t account for daylight savings. Can you please try selecting the closest city to you in the time zone setting instead and then let me know if you continue to have trouble with new posts you create after you have changed that setting?

  • kijkbuisgeneratie · Member ·

    Sorry I don’t understand. Do you mean it does not calculate summertime? So in the summer I need to change my timezone manually? And in wintertime set it back to the right one? I can’t choose city’s, only UTC time zones, or did I miss something?

    By the way, the whole UTC thing is new to me, we use GMT here.

  • Hi kijkbuisgeneratie,

    My sincerest apologies for the delay with this styling issue. Thank you for your patience in this regard.

    Please note that we are working on isolating this title issue. The styling that was removed was due to a user-reported bug where the titles weren’t displaying at all.

    I’ll be committing a fix for this to resolve the issue you’ve noted, which will be deployed to your website as soon as it has been reviewed.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Sorry I don’t understand. Do you mean it does not calculate summertime?

    Correct, UTC timezones do not account for summertime. If you select a city instead of a UTC timezone, then summertime will be calculated.

    The cities are listed in the Settings → General → Timezone option. They are organized by continent. Please pick the city closest to you.

    For the titles issue, mattiyza’s update has been deployed and I tested and can see titles working properly at now. Thanks mattyza! :)

  • kijkbuisgeneratie · Member ·

    Dear Matty,

    We are happy to see things are back to normal again!
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Kind regards,

    Kijkbuisgeneratie Crew.

  • kijkbuisgeneratie · Member ·

    The cities are listed in the Settings → General → Timezone option. They are organized by continent. Please pick the city closest to you.

    Thanks! That solved my issue. You really are a Happiness Engineer!

  • Thanks for your patience and persistence. I’m glad to have users like you here at Cheers!

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