Problème d’enregistrement des modifications dans Rank Math

  • Bonjour,

    J’ai utilisé Rank Math comme un outil de référencement pour mon site Lors d’enregistrement des modifications effectués dans la section “réglages généraux”, je ne trouve pas le bouton “Save the changes” au dessous de la page.

    Quelqu’un m’aide de trouver une solution ? Merci d’avance.

    Dans l’attente de votre retour, je vous souhaite une excellente journée.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    Please note that my support is limited to English only and I used Google Translate to understand your message.

    I’m sorry, but we cannot assist you directly with your issue because your site is not hosted on our managed hosting service.

    To explain further, our service uses a customized server environment that is specifically optimized for WordPress. We provide built-in security, performance improvements, and in-house support for all site-related inquiries. Our customized version of WordPress is different from the one you are using with your current hosting provider, and we do not have access to your site to diagnose the problem.

    However, you have the option to transfer your site to our hosting service and receive in-house support using our migration plugin: Please note that your site would need to be on the Business plan.

    If you prefer to keep your site with your current provider, the open-source WordPress forums at can provide you with the necessary assistance. Their community is more familiar with such issues and can offer the best help.

    Thank you for understanding!

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