Problemas con la edición del modo escritorio, tableta y Mobile

  • cordial saludo.

    mi problema es es que he organizado el modo escritorio de mi pagina web, y en seguida procedo a organizar el modo tableta y el modo celular, pero después de que loes he organizado, vuelvo a revisar el modo escritorio y esta se ha desordenado, y me dispongo a organizarlo de nuevo pero cuando he terminado y voy a revisar el modo para móvil, este se ha desorganizado y así estoy con ese problema que organizando el uno se me desorganiza el otro.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there @carlosmoran1909 , I used Google Translate to understand you’re trying to set up the mobile view for your site, and it’s causing trouble with the desktop version. Typically your theme will handle the mobile mode for you so you don’t have to maintain two copies of a given page. If there’s something you’re not liking about the mobile vs desktop views, can you contact their support to see what they’d recommend?

    Going forward, these forums are primarily for sites that use our free-tier hosting. We’re a little different from the WordPress software itself. This article explains some of the differences.

    You’ll want to create an account at so you’ll have access to the correct community for your site. Or, you’d be welcome to host here; your plan would get direct support.

    I hope this helps!

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