Problem with WP Themes

  • Okay, I don’t think anyone has really pointed this out before, so here goes.. I have noticed that Almost none of Worpdress Themes are XHTML or even HTML Compliant for that matter due to silly problems with the coding or lack of headers or something. I hope you admins do look into this matter… Cause the link which claims the theme to be XHTML Complaint definitely isn’t.

    Here are some designs which I’ve seen.
    2) (My Own Blog)
    and many more..

    One more thing.. It would be nice if in many of the themes, the sub-categories were displayed below the main categories after a tab, like a ul within a ul.

    • Sports
    • Tennis
  • And people wonder why I have yet to see a single WP theme that I’ve like from the start. Even the ones I offer to my clients, I’ve had to heavily edit.

    You may want to post this on some of the WP theme sites. This is more of a development issue than a hosting issue.

    Some of the themes list the categories in the manner that you suggest. I wish more of them did.

  • And people wonder why I have yet to see a single WP theme that I’ve like from the start. Even the ones I offer to my clients, I’ve had to heavily edit.

    You may want to post this on some of the WP theme sites. This is more of a development issue than a hosting issue.

    Some of the themes list the categories in the manner that you suggest. I wish more of them did. The one I use here does but it doesn’t list the categories in alphabetical order.

  • I would never put an ‘XHTML valid’ link on a theme because even if it’s valid ‘out-of-the-box’, it sure as hell won’t be once people who know nothing about code start adding content to it. (I know the post editors are supposed to take care of this, but they’re not that clever.)

    I agree, though, that themes chosen for use here should be subject to much more stringent quality control than other wordpress themes, purely and simply because we can’t fix them ourselves. For example, all themes should allow us to control our links through settings in the link manager, and if they weren’t originally designed that way they need to be edited by the admins to do so.

  • Well, WordPress adds teh good themes that users request but unfortunately most of them aren’t XHTML Comp, not even Kubrick…

    Well, Mike, This problem is quite easy to correct.. Adding headers and closing img tags with “/” and simple stuff like that would solve it, no need to call the designers again!

  • There is a bug in core WP right now when you have quotes in your title, it can invalidate the HTML. It will be fixed.

    Andy has been doing some work with integrating the X-valid HTML validator and corrector with so we *could* start to ensure content was well-formed and valid, even if users didn’t have the foggiest what that meant.

  • Excellent. You guys definitely rock and almost most of the themes have a silly error or two, which should be changed.

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