Problem with Twitter unroll feature

  • Anyone else getting the error message “This tweet could not be found.” when trying to unroll a twitter thread?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    “This tweet could not be found.”

    This usually presents itself when the tweet itself has been deleted.

    Do you have a link to the tweet itself? Also, what are you clicking where you’re expecting this to unfold.

    Many thanks in advance!

  • Here is a link to the tweet.

    I click on the “unroll” button in the context sensitive menu when I expect this to unfold.


  • Hey there,

    Thanks for that information – I’m not getting that error when adding a tweet to the page.

    To check, are you adding this via the Twitter block:

    Adding this link via that block may help. :)

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hey Adam,

    Yes, I’ve been adding via the Twitter block.

    I’m trying to understand whether it’s my site (and potentially one of the add-ins causing the problem (like Jet pack)) or whether it’s my tweet.

    When you’re testing, are you testing using my tweet ( Or are you testing via another tweet?


  • Hi there,

    Yes we tested this with your specific tweet. I recorded a video of our attempt to add this to the Twitter block on your site. You can see the recording here at this link.

    To clarify, when you try to take the exact steps shown in my video, this results in an error for you? It seems that you are using Chrome as your browser so I’m curious if this is an issue if you use a different browser like Firefox instead?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Thanks for the video. It’s very similar to what I do to embed the tweet. I don’t have any problem embedding the tweet. The unroll feature appears to have died in the past few months for me and I’m wondering if it’s me. What happens when you try to unroll the tweet in your test?


  • I also just checked. The same thing happens using firefox. I have never used firefox before for wordpress.

    Therefore my diagnostics:

    1. The problem is not related to the browser (both Chrome and firefox don’t work)
    2. The problem is not related to cookies (firefox was a clean install and there are no cookies active)
    3. The problem is not related to plug-ins – I checked my account and there are no plug ins installed (just a free account)

    Could it be:

    1. My tweet?
    2. A bug in the wordpress code?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hey there,

    Thank you for that screenshot. I can replicate exactly what your experiencing there, and this is most certainly a bug.

    Because the tweet is actually embedding, the message being seeing here is probably being shown in error – that’s the say, nothing is actually missing or can’t be accessed.

    To help us triage this a bit more closely, and get a bug report set up internally – can you tell me what made you press the unroll button please? Is there something missing in the embed or anything of that nature?

    Many thanks in advance and looking forward to hearing more!

  • Hi Alex,

    Glad it’s not just me!

    Actually, I’ve found out the cause. The problem is jetpack’s access to the Twitter API. The unroll feature therefore won’t work any more. I found posts about it here.

    The End of Twitter Auto-Sharing


    Thanks for looking into this!


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