Problem with theme-p2 when adding a custom header it breaks menu

  • The menu worked great until I added a custom image. After the custom header was uploaded, and the display text set to NO, the menu moves from in between the banner and the post box to on top of the menu.

    It seems that removing the Display Text throws off the pagination.

    This happens in Firefox
    BUT In IE 9, I can’t see the menu at all.

    I hope you can help me

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Kati,

    When I visit your site in Chrome and Firefox, the menu appears beneath the banner and above the post box regardless of whether the site title is set to display or not as shown here:

    Screen Shot 2014 05 16 at 11 20 58 AM

    Is this what you’re describing?

    Please let me know if I’m misunderstanding your questions!

  • Hi
    and thank you for your reply. I solve the problem with purchased CSS where I wrote h1 {position: bottom}. Now there is in header both custom image and behind it invisible h1 text. But without purchased CSS the problem is still in p2 theme.

  • Hi Kati,

    I tried to reproduce this issue on a test blog but with no luck. I set a custom header image and a custom menu. then, I unchecked the “Display Header Text”. Here’s what I’m seeing on my side:

    Screen Shot 2014 05 19 at 2 10 52 PM

    The menu seemed to stay in the proper position. Can you let me know if I’m recreating the situation correctly?

  • Hi
    Have you tried with Firefox or IE web browsers? With Chrome the menu stayed in the proper position, but not with Firefox or IE.

  • Hey Kati,

    I apologize for the oversight. You’re correct – I’m experiencing the issue as well in Firefox. I’ll definitely report this to our theme developers for review. However, I haven’t been able to reproduce in either Internet Explorer 10 or 11. Can you let me know what IE version you were using so I can include that as well?

  • Hei Jeremy and thank you taking this problem seriously. I am using IE version 9 and Firefox 29.0.1.

  • Hi Kati,

    Thanks for the report. I’ve passed this along to our theme developers, and I’ll let you know when a fix is in place!

  • Hei Jeremy and thanks ;)
    I look forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi Kati. This is fixed now. Thanks for your patience, and for letting us know about it.

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