Problem with The Journalist update

  • I use The Journalist theme, which was changed recently. However, the change does not work on my blog: Instead of the revised theme, the old one remains, but in a distorted way, with large black fields. On top, a large black field covers part of the content.

    I have tried chosing another theme, then chosen The Journalist again, but that didn’t help.

    I have previosuly changed one thing through the CSS function: the headline is now bigger and in a different color than in the regular theme. I have changed it back, but it does not help getting the proper, revised The Journalist theme in place.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • Posting the same thing twice AND marking it resolved (both times) is NOT the best way to get an answer. Try deleting everything from the CSS edit window (make sure you copy it to a text file first) and then reload. That should get you back to the original.

  • vivianpaige: I am sorry for posting it twice: the reason was that I first posted it in “Questions” and later realized that a better place would be “Support”. I thought I could delete the first post but detected this was not possible. In any case, I thank you for your help. As mentioned, the problem has been resolved, and in fact, the same advice you give worked.

  • The journalist v1.3 is available for use again – just go to design and select v1.3

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