Problem with Media uploader

  • Hi.

    I am using the Bokeh Theme and recently changed the domain of my block from an sub domain to a normal one.
    Everything works fine except the Media uploader.
    Also the previously uploaded images are working fine on the page.

    Here are some screenshots:
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Screenshot 3

    The problems are the following:
    -When i try to upload files, it creates an empty library entry (as shown in screenshot 1 and 2), but there is no file uploaded to the ftp.
    -When i view uploaded images from before the domain change, they are just those tiny thumbnails (shown in screenshot 3) and note the usual large image.

    I already tried a few things to fix it:
    -set the file upload url manually to the usual directory (../wp-content/uploads). Tried this in the database and also in the wp-config file.
    -Deleted and reuploaded (from a fresh wordpress download) the wp-admin and wp-includes folders
    -updated all the plugins
    -deactivated all the plugins
    -change the theme
    -searched the database for the old url and found 8993 entries in the wp_posts table (most (8670 out the 8993) of them have the post_title “Media”, post_status “private”, comment_status “closed”, post_name “media-1” (then media-2 and so on), the guid “(..).com/?option-tree=media-1”, post_parent “0”, post_type “option-tree” and comment_count “0”)

    Some help would really be appreciated!

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Sorry but you are in the wrong forum.
    This forum is only for blogs/sites hosted by
    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and different

    And you should ask in the forum.

  • oh sorry about that.

    Still thanks

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