Problem with images too big on the first page

  • Hi! I love how this theme looks in the demo and would love to be able to use it for my blog. I am just setting up with some temporary posts but I notice that the first page with all my posts doesn’t look anything like the demo. The pictures are the original size and the whole text is shown. Instead of being small preview one next to each other, it’s more like a list of the full posts.

    Please let me know if you can help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello Margherita,

    May I know the blog you’re currently working on, and which theme you’re using?

    It sounds like your static front page is set to your blog posts. You need to set up your Front Page by following the instructions from this link.

    Themes also comes with set-up guide, that you would find on the theme page.

    Let me know if you need further assistance.


  • Hey! Thank you for such a quick reply. The blog is an the theme is Illustratr.
    I did the set up for the front page, but still doesn’t look as the demo..

    thank you

  • Thank you. Your blog is private, so I cannot view it. :)

    Here’s the support page for your theme –

    You will find the set-up guide on the left side.

    If you encounter any problem, you can probably take a screenshot fo your blog so I can see. Then let me know how you wanted it to look like.


  • Hi Margherita – looks like you still need to set your site to use a static front page, and then assign your front page to the Portfolio Page template. As Rose mentioned above, the setup guide should walk you through the process.

    If you run into any trouble along the way, just let us know!

  • Hi I’m also having similar problems I think. My theme is Gateway and my blog I have uploaded a new header visual in the pixel dimensions specified, but it still gets cut off and doesn’t seem to adapt when you view the site on mobile or ipad..
    Can you help
    Thanks Claire

  • Hi Claire – The header graphic in Gateway is meant more as a decorative background, rather than an image that includes text or a logo, and can’t withstand a bit of cropping at different screen sizes. Gateway is also meant to work with a sidebar, so your pages are looking a little lopsided at the moment. ;-) You might want to consider different theme, like Penscratch 2 or Button 2. Both take a logo in the Site Identity panel – which resizes automatically on different screen sizes – and both have a header that keeps more of a keeps more of a fixed aspect ratio than Gateway. Finally, both those themes work well without a sidebar, and the layout automatically centers itself to look more balanced.

    If you need further help, would you mind starting a new thread? It’ll be easier to help you there, and the original poster on this thread won’t continue to get notifications for an issue that’s actually different than theirs. Thanks!

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