problem with editing galleries

  • in the last day or so i’ve run into a problem when creating galleries on my blog. simply put, after i upload and select images for my galleries i am no longer able to drag and drop to sequence them. for large galleries this is a huge pain as if i decide to change the order of images even slightly–or to add a new image to somewhere other than the end of the gallery–i have to delete the entire gallery and start again selecting images in the exact sequence i want them to be in.

    anyone else seeing this? how can i fix it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I have reported this to our developers and also noted that other site owners have reported this issue as well so it appears to affect a few sites on our service.

    For now I don’t have a workaround since you appear to be creating your galleries in the ‘classic editor’ and not using the block editor. If you wish to switch to the block editor however you can rearrange images more easily.

    If you prefer to stick to the classic editor that is fine too. We will update you here as soon as we have more info on the bug, or if the issue has been fixed.

    Thanks for your patience!

  • reported the same issue a few days ago, waiting to hear back about it…

  • any movement on this? i continue to have the same issue.

    i recently tried to work around it by switching to the block editor to create the gallery but when i switched back to the classic editor to continue with the post the gallery disappeared and all the images were just dumped individually into the post.

    i’ll also note that drag and drop of images in galleries in the block editor is also clunkier than in the classic editor–so it was in any case only a slight improvement on painstakingly uploading them in sequence in the classic editor while waiting for this issue to be fixed.

  • @elliottsmithgallery can you let us know where you reported it? We can confirm your report is in the right place.

  • @myannoyingopinions It’s not a fix so much as an extension of your workaround, but rather than converting the entire post to classic, you could “convert to blocks” and just use classic blocks (if needed) for everything but the gallery.

    There are a handful of reports here:

  • Hi there,

    WordPress 5.9.1 was released on yesterday containing the fix for this issue. All sites have already been updated with this new version, so reordering images in galleries should work again, but please let us know if you still have any issues with this.

  • yes, it’s working now. thanks!

  • Thanks for confirming :)

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