Problem with cookies button continues

  • Hello.
    I have written You manytimes about one problem with cookie button. It is on ‘My sites’ page of It is viewed just by My screen reader, but currently We have tried It with My sighted friend and He saw nothing, as cookie notification.
    Please, could You look on this problem?
    Thank You.
    Best regards
    Marco Oros

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You’ve posted about this issue a number of times in the past year and you don’t respond to our messages where we’re asking for more information.

    Please go to your previous topic and answer our questions about the issue and we’ll try to help. Here’s a link to that topic:

    We can’t help if we can’t get more details from you so please respond to that above topic so we can try to help.

    I’m going to close this thread as you already have an open thread about this.

  • The topic ‘Problem with cookies button continues’ is closed to new replies.