Problem with Adelle Theme and Internet Explorer 8

  • Hello,

    I am using the Adelle theme with my blog. I noticed for Internet Explorer versions 8 that my blog does not display the same as it does in Firefox. I can not see the background image nor are the sidebar sections showing on the side. I have tried disabling and enabling widgets and checking the html in the posts, but nothing seems to fix the problem. Could you tell me how to resolve?

    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I don’t see any sidebar content at all using IE8 and it remains that way whether or not I’m in compatibility mode.

    Your Windows operating system

    Latest version of Internet Explorer
    Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1
    Internet Explorer 11

    Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 7
    Internet Explorer 10

    Windows Vista
    Windows Internet Explorer 9

    Windows XP
    Windows Internet Explorer 8

    Only 4.1 % of those on the internet are using IE8.

    I’ll tag this thread for a Staff response. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Hi @melaniedawn,

    Have you tried using a different browser to recreate the issue? Currently, it looks like your site is loading fine in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. For reference, we recommend using either Firefox or Chrome for the best experience at

    Let me know if you are able to recreate this issue in other browsers or if it’s just isolated to IE8!



  • It’s only happening in IE8. I didn’t have a problem with any other browser.

  • @Melanie – Upgrading your browser to a later version of IE should do the trick. Have you tried upgrading to at least 9 (preferably 10 or 11)?

  • That did the trick. Thank you!

  • @melaniedawn Not a problem! Glad we could get this resolved.

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