Problem: Time and date in my blockpostings

  • Hi all!

    Ich have a little problem.
    Since a view days I get my first free blog from and already
    have blogged a lot of things.

    But when I blog, I dont see a date or timestamp or something like that on my posts.

    What can I do, to see at the blog direktly, when a posting is postet, time and date.
    So that I can see, from when the post is.

    Please help.

    Hier is my blog adress:

    I dont wanne see the date/time in options, I wanna see it on my postings direktly
    on my blog. Hope you understand.

    Hier under that posting, there is a timestamp, but not in my blog.

    Greetings Lemmi.

  • The theme that you are using shows only the date (and that’s dependent on which browser you are using).

    There are other themes which will show time and date automatically.

    Hope this helps.


  • Oh, it means, that with this theme, there is no timestamp possible.

    But i dont see the date too. Maybe the wrong browser. Using MS Internetexplorer.

    This theme is very nice, but I wanna have timestamps.

    Ah with Opera there are date stamps. Thats better. Maybe I must change browser.

  • Yes, Opera will show the Datestamp. It doesn’t show the time though I’m afraid.

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