problem inserting single images

  • I use Twenty Twelve theme. I want to insert an individual image which will expand when clicked on. When I insert a single image there are no options to allow you to select an individual image and the image copies in as a large image (no option for thumbnail). In both preview and a live post nothing happens when the image is clicked on. I want to insert an individual image which is presented as a thumbnail which expands when clicked on. Can anyone please help? Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi alison512480,

    First, use the dashboard view to access your site at

    When adding an image to a post, you’ll find the options on the right side, or click it once it is in your post and click Edit. Make sure it appears the size that you want it, then go to Link to and set that to Media File. This way, when someone clicks on the thumbnail image, it will open full size.

    Is this what you wanted to do?

  • Thank you for your response. This is exactly what I want. Can’t thank you enough.

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